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Take Up Arms & Head Out Into The World As A Squirrel With A Gun

Take Up Arms & Head Out Into The World As A Squirrel With A Gun

Squirrel With A Gun

Fight back at the world as a squirrel in the recently announced Squirrel With A Gun video game

Video games can get weird at times and some are just made that way as part of the gimmick, as is the case with the recently announced Squirrel With A Gun. A title that feels like it should not need much else to describe it as the title says it all. It is a new title coming from Dee Dee Creations and Maximum Entertainment for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC later this year. All so we can live the life as a squirrel who happens to be able to use a gun. Use it against a horde of human agents who are out to do something about this new nuisance out there. There is more to it all before you set it aside and think you have all that is needed to enjoy all of this.

Outside of the obvious for Squirrel With A Gun, this is going to be a sandbox game that will also focus on some exploration in the mix of all of the shooting and laughing. All of that uses the basics that we know our furry little friends to use when out there in the world. All so we can further upgrade our little squirrel with new gear and looks along the way with this new look at the neighborhood. So, there will be more than just a rampage shooting game with a cute little skin slapped over it. Have a look at the fun you might be able to experience if this is a title that you find right in line with everything you love in video games. If anything, just embrace all of the weird…

Squirrel With A Gun — Announcement

Squirrel With A Gun is coming to PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5 this Fall!

It is not easy, but it’s fun, to be a squirrel with a gun!

Squirrel With A Gun is a sandbox game that focuses on exploration and shooting combat. Defend yourself from random encounters with Agents using various weapons. Climb and jump across platforms with your natural squirrel skill, and use weapon recoil to cross even greater gaps. Explore the neighborhood from a squirrel’s eye view. Talk with residents of the neighborhood and help them out for goodies… Or mug them for goodies!

Usually I scoff at games like this that try to be sold on the weirdness more than anything else, but Squirrel With A Gun honestly looks like it could be a lot of fun. Not just a meme game that will have a little bit of praise and then vanish into the annals of video game history. That is, unless the developer opts to lean into the weirdness more than just using that to sell a good game. There are a few things that could be done with having a basic squirrel as a protagonist and stories that could be told. I am hopeful that is the path they will go do instead of the mindset of “Wouldn’t this be funny even if it is not fun?” That is usually where these kinds of games lose me in the development or early parts of playing the final product.

What do you think about games like this and will a squirrel be the best option for us to have fun with? Will there be something deeper to the game or will it all be for the “lols” more than anything? Will we see other types of squirrels in the mix or will they all be the basic ones many think of when they hear about the animal? Head down to the comments and fire off that discussion. If we are given more for Squirrel With A Gun, we will aim to share it all here. Please keep on checking back in for all of that and ignore all of the terrible puns I have slipped into this announcement. I was only trying to add some extra humor to it all too.

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