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Tear Into Some New Gameplay For The Upcoming Ripout

Tear Into Some New Gameplay For The Upcoming Ripout


New footage for Ripout is out there to get many more amped up for what Ripout will have to offer horror fans out there

Get your guns loaded and your weird alien arms ready for the new gameplay we have here for Ripout. This is the upcoming co-op horror title that Pet Project Games has coming at us in 2022 for the PC and it looks like it could be blending some classic and modern visuals together. It could also be a fun way to show off Ripout while trying to obfuscate some of the pre-alpha looks that this footage is pulled from too. No matter the case, we have something to look at and get excited for to head into a space horror setting to try to survive and save humanity from some other terrible thing that is out there. There are so many of these kinds of events and creatures out there, it does seem.

In Ripout, we will play as some humans that have already fled the horrors that they brought on, only to have them all follow us to the next location to stalk and hunt us down. All while the horrors out there have the ability to meld and adapt to our own attacks and methods of survival. That is an interesting thing to see and I hope they are not all scripted scenes in Ripout with some form of AI driving everything instead. That would make for much more fun in the game when we take aim with our Pet Gun and other various weapons to slow down or slay the enemies out there. All of which with some other levels of body horror mixed right into it all. Have a look and see what we could be getting next year.

Ripout — Trailer

The war for humanity is in full swing. Dangerous alien mutants pose a serious threat to all humans, and you and your friends are the only ones who can save humanity from annihilation. Watch how the fight unfolds in the official trailer for Ripout, a co-op horror FPS.

Do you think that Ripout looks like it will lean into the classic visuals for the game or is this just a fun way to hide some of the current works in progress? How well do you think the co-op will work in a game like this or will it just be another FPS title to keep us all going? Will the creature melding be scripted scenes in the game or will they actually be AI bots to form bigger and deadlier enemies out there? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will share more for Ripout as it comes to us over the course of the year, so be sure to stick close to the site for all of that and much more.

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