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Tekken 8 Brings Back Anna Williams With A Bit Of A Vengeance

Tekken 8 Brings Back Anna Williams With A Bit Of A Vengeance

Tekken 8

The next fighter for Tekken 8 is taking up arms and blasting their way back into the Tekken world

Get ready for a bit of the Scarlet Lightning to strike in Tekken 8 as we have Anna Williams heading into the streets to join some matches. This would be the next fighter that Bandai Namco have been working on to add into the game and it looks like she will be bringing all of the firepower to the game on April 3rd. Although, it could be as early as March 31st for those who have the character pass for Tekken 8 and the game loaded up on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. I am sure by now, though, you know the drill and we can just have a solid look at what Anna will bring into the game soon.

Of course, long-time fans of the Tekken IP know exactly who Anna Williams is and not just from the very salacious look she has. It is very iconic even if the character looks like she will function like many others in the game. That is if you remove out all of the high-end weapons and explosives she will have in the mix of things. How that does not instantly kill or win matches out there, I still do not have a clue in this IP. Then again, Tekken does have a massive fighting Panda and Robot in the mix, so there can be some extra suspension of disbelief I guess. Have a look at Anna in motion just a little lower down and then get ready for that month of waiting until you can drop her right into the roster out there. It will only be a little grueling to wait it out…

Tekken 8 — Anna Williams Gameplay

Beautiful, deadly, and back with a vengeance.

Anna Williams, the Scarlet Lightning, will make you see red in Tekken 8!

Has Anna been a favorite of yours since the first Tekken or did it take some time for her to grow on you? Is there a great explanation for why the firearms are not match-enders from the start or is it just more of the video game logic we need to take in? Who is the next fighter you are waiting to get their time back into the IP again? Fight it all out down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do out there. More for Tekken 8 will be on the way, so please keep on checking back in for all of those updates and the many others we will have along the way for the IP. It should be a fun little ride.

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