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The Art Is On Display With The Latest “Making Of” For Scars Above

The Art Is On Display With The Latest “Making Of” For Scars Above

Scars Above

A new behind-the-scene for Scars Above is out there to show off some of the art & creatures coming in Scars Above

Get ready to leave the planet one more time with Scars Above when it drops on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on February 28th. A new third-person action title that Mad Head Games and Prime Matter have been working on up to now. We have seen a bit of this game in the past, with some gameplay shining on through. As we get closer to the launch of Scars Above, it is time to go behind the scene for the game and see how some of it was made. Or, at the very least, see some new gameplay to get us all ready for that launch in just over a month. You are going to be more excited about the latter there, I am sure of it.

In terms of the game design and art design we have to look at for Scars Above here, there is not much that feels innovative and new to the industry. The team has been building the alien worlds based around real-world biome and creatures and just altering them to look and feel like they are not on Earth. Not too shocking, just as the use of different elements and weather to drive home other gameplay mechanics out there. Fire continues to burn and Ice will slow things down. While it might sound like I am ragging on Scars Above because of all of this, I am not. It is all to drive your attention to the actual gameplay that is spliced into all of this mundane talk so you can get better hyped up for the game. The aspect that should have been highlighted here instead. Another massive case of just showing the game and not forcing the developer to talk about how they built the game. Have a look and see what I am talking about here.

Scars Above — The Making Of: The Art (Part I)

Scars Above is a challenging sci-fi third-person action-adventure shooter combining the rewarding feel of overcoming difficulty with a compelling and intricate story, set in a mysterious alien world to explore.

Uncover the mystery of Scars Above! Available February 28th on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One!

Do you have any new thoughts on Scars Above after all of this or did you find out something new in the actual behind-the-scenes view? Would you have rather just had a gameplay overview for the game or did you really need to know that the developers used swamps and insects to drive forward the game’s world? Could this all be a smoke screen to hide away the actual new and different things that we have never seen in gaming before or is that a bit to hope for out of all of this? Sound off in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. There is going to be more for Scars Above and we will have it all here for you. Please keep checking back in for all of that and everything else that we can find out there to share with you.

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