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The Ascent Is Adding To The Cyberpunk Worlds We Are Getting

The Ascent Is Adding To The Cyberpunk Worlds We Are Getting

The Ascent

Another cyberpunk RPG, The Ascent, is coming to the Xbox systems and PC with The Ascent bringing us all a new look at the genre

Here we go with another cyberpunk title announced out there as The Ascent has been announced for the Xbox Series X as well as the Xbox One and PC. This will be the first title from Neon Giant out there and should be coming around the time that the new console drops on us. That is the plan, at least, and I have a feeling that Curve Digital will make certain that will happen. None of which gives us much of the details for The Ascent as of right now, but that will be coming if you keep reading along or just jump down to the reveal trailer that came along with this announcement. We know how you will be here.

What The Ascent looks to be here, besides a cyberpunk RPG, is up to a four-player co-op or down to a single-player title for us to experience. All so we can further our own augments and cyberware and loot all of the stuff that will be out there. Something that does not sound like it is fitting for the setting, but it will be in there. It does look like The Ascent will allow for all of that with a bit of a straightforward style of run and gun. That is what I am getting from the bits we have here to look at. Take a look now without hurting our feelings here.

The Ascent — Reveal Trailer

As a new console generation dawns, Curve Digital is excited to announce it has an Xbox Series X title in the works, courtesy of brand new Swedish studio Neon Giant — an 11-person development team formed by individuals with considerable Triple-A experience on titles such as the Bulletstorm, Gears Of War, and Wolfenstein franchises.

Also launching on Xbox One and PC, The Ascent will offer players the chance to step into an action-orientated sci-fi RPG powered by Unreal Engine 4 that takes the genre to new levels, available to play in both single-player and up to four-player co-op.

The Ascent will feature:

  • A free-roam play style in a cyberpunk inspired dystopian world
  • Classic RPG mechanics to enable players to build up their character including cyberwear, augmentations, and looting
  • An unprecedented sense of verticality within its world, with different levels and platforms discernible within play
  • Double-aim mechanic enables players to utilize the full screen and choose between multiple targets anywhere in the environment
  • A narrative-led adventure playable in single and up to four-player co-op modes

The Ascent will launch on the Xbox Family of devices, including Xbox Series X, and PC in 2020. Look out for further details on the game’s launch in the months ahead.

How are you feeling about The Ascent after what we have here and are we ready for another cyberpunk title that soon again? Do you think that the RPG elements will shine beyond what we see here for it all or will it take a backseat given the co-op? Do you think that there will be any kind of style mixed in or will it go just for the cyberware and cyborg looks instead? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on The Ascent, keep coming back to the site here. We will keep it all coming at you as best as we can in all of this.

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