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The Blood Of Blazkowicz Is Still Flowing In Wolfenstein: Youngblood

The Blood Of Blazkowicz Is Still Flowing In Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is about to launch so that means we have a new trailer to take in just days before getting back into the Wolfenstein seat

In just a few days the terror twins will be at it in Wolfenstein: Youngblood to cause all of the havoc their bloodline is known for when it comes to the Nazis. It is odd to think that July 26th is almost here and that Machine Games has been hammering it all home so well. At least based on what has been seen thus far. Things could go potentially wrong with this Wolfenstein title, but I have a strong feeling that will not be the case. More so when we have looks at new videos like the one we have here to celebrate that launch of the game. Get hyped and ready to pick it all up.

As launch trailers always do, there is a bit more of the story for Wolfenstein: Youngblood mixed in here. Not only that, but maybe a spoiler on the success or failure of the twins’ mission here. It happens near the end of the trailer so if you are looking to go in a bit more blind than seeing new footage, you have been warned. For the rest of us, have a look and see if you can make out exactly what is going on in this scene from Wolfenstein: Youngblood. I have a feeling that it is not what we think it is due to Bethesda not wanting the game to be spoiled just yet. Who knows though?

Wolfenstein: Youngblood — Launch Trailer

The ruthless, Nazi-slaying blood of Blazkowicz runs through BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph, as they search for their legendary father in Paris in the launch trailer for Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch this Friday, July 26, Wolfenstein: Youngblood offers players some of the series’ most dynamic, open-ended Nazi killin’ to date and for the first time – cooperative play.

Did the release of Wolfenstein: Youngblood sneak up on you too or have you been counting the days until now? Did you watch the final scene or did you skip along to make sure you can go in as blind as possible? Could it all be something vastly different than it looks or will it play out just as it looks? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If we have more for Wolfenstein: Youngblood, we will add it all here on the site. All you have to do is keep checking back in and stay tuned.

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