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The Class Is Back In For Co-Op In Watch Dogs: Legion

The Class Is Back In For Co-Op In Watch Dogs: Legion

Watch Dogs: Legion

The next video in the Watch Dogs: Legion classroom series is here to dive into the changes we will see in Watch Dogs’ Co-Op play

Here we go with more of the marketing for Watch Dogs: Legion with a little more gameplay to look at. Nothing all that groundbreaking in terms of the gameplay as it is a lot more of what Ubisoft has given us already, but it is something more to take in for the game. We are just under a week out from October 29th and given how big multiplayer and Co-Op could be in Watch Dogs: Legion, it is nice to have something else along those lines. Even if it feels a bit cheesy and silly to have for a game that could be tackling some real-world ethical issues in cyberspace. Not everyone looks to their video games for that, so we will dive into old ladies having slap fights for now.

As it can be assumed, we get to see a bit more of the Co-Op mission play for Watch Dogs: Legion here and pretty much how it will function in a real-world setting. One player will have a plan and the rest will ignore it or do their own thing instead. Maybe this is the meta-comment that the developer is trying to make about video games, but I think I will err on the side of it is for the state of the community and humanity at this point. Something that the Watch Dogs franchise could easily highlight and poke us all into a better place if we so wanted to. Most of us will just deal with old lady fights and using a character because they look cool instead, though.

Watch Dogs: Legion — Classroom 101 Co-Op

Class is back in session! Today’s lesson: How to join the resistance with friends. Get to know the basics of co-op gameplay in Watch Dogs: Legion now.

Are you enjoying these videos here and how it is presenting this Watch Dogs title? Do you think we will get some serious players in the game and always have them ruined by the dumb slapstick of it all? Should video games be used as anything more than entertainment and thus offer up some real-world ethical questions when it comes to the Wild West of cyberspace? Let us have those thoughts and opinions down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Watch Dogs: Legion in any form, you know we will have it all here. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that and much more.

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