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The Collection Is Growing For The Release Of Hot Wheels Unleashed

The Collection Is Growing For The Release Of Hot Wheels Unleashed

Hot Wheels Unleashed

New Hot Wheels and gameplay are here just before the official launch for Hot Wheels Unleashed in the wild

The race is almost on for us all with Hot Wheels Unleashed hitting us all on September 30th here. Just a few more sleeps and then we will be able to build our own tracks and race with all of the classic cars that we have wanted to over the years. Well, at least all of the classic Hot Wheels that Milestone has been able to get into the mix for us and make sure will function just as well. All from many of the core cars in the real world that had the toy counterparts, but also many of the iconic ones from film, comics, and TV. I have a feeling that if they play their cards right, they could have us picking up so many more so we can race them all in this virtual basement we are getting. It is a solid model to look at and to capitalize on all of that nostalgia out there.

Now that we have that reminder out of the way, we can dig into the bits that most of you will want to see for Hot Wheels Unleashed. That being new gameplay and some of the other of the 60+ vehicles in the races here. We have you covered with a new list of vehicles that we have had teased or shown slightly before with the 80s and 90s coming in strong. Then we also have a look at how Hot Wheels Unleashed will handle when it comes to couch racing. It is a split-screen style for it all with players getting half the screen to watch and work with. Just as we can see in most of the other offline racers from over the years. It all looks like it will function just as we all assumed and have had for many other games up to now. No reason to break a feature that has worked for so long and all.

Hot Wheels Unleashed — Switch Announcement

Get ready to drive and collect more than 60 vehicles from the Hot Wheels universe! Race through immersive locations or unleash your creativity to build your own tracks.

Hot Wheels Unleashed comes to Nintendo Switch on Sept. 30.

Hot Wheels Unleashed — Splitscreen Race Gameplay

Two of the rarest real-life Hot Wheels cars ever — the pink, rear-loading Beach Bomb prototype and the purple Olds 442 — facing off in Hot Wheels Unleashed.

Are you fully ready for the launch of Hot Wheels Unleashed or did you expect it to come out further down the line from now? How many more vehicles do you think we will have packed into all of this over the life of the title? Did you expect the split-screen to be different at all or did it shape up to be what we should expect in general moving forward? Tell us everything down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will share all that we can for Hot Wheels Unleashed, so please keep an eye back on the site here for all of that and much more. I can imagine there should be more of it all to enjoy.

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