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The Console Version Of Overkill’s The Walking Dead Has Been Delayed Again

The Console Version Of Overkill’s The Walking Dead Has Been Delayed Again

Overkill’s The Walking Dead

The wait continues as Overkill’s The Walking Dead has been delayed on consoles again with no sign of when this version of The Walking Dead will creep out

Another blow has hit Overkill’s The Walking Dead as it looks like the console version of the game will not be coming to us in February. In fact, as it stands right now Starbreeze does not even know when PS4 and Xbox One gamers will be able to give the game a whirl. If you do want to play this version of The Walking Dead, you are going to have to go to the PC side of things and give it a go there for now. Sad news indeed for those who do not have a gaming PC or enjoy playing their games there. Not that this one has been the end-all-be-all game out there, but the fun is now limited for a portion of gamers now.

The news here is a bit shocking as Overkill’s The Walking Dead has been doing some shaky business when it comes to reviews and scores. The console version has been worked on for a while now and it looks like it may not be performing up to snuff for Starbreeze either as that is the current reason given for the delay. More, they are still reviewing its performance there than anything. You can see the short announcement below and then be left to wonder when Overkill’s The Walking Dead may hit the consoles. It still should even though no date or timeline has been given, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities that they are just going to cut losses at this point.

Overkill’s The Walking Dead Console Release Postponed

Starbreeze AB is currently evaluating and reviewing the performance of the game Overkill’s The Walking Dead on consoles.

Starbreeze has decided to postpone the release date from its original February 2019 date, further information regarding the future release will be announced at a later date.

Have you been waiting for Overkill’s The Walking Dead to come to consoles or does this news not affect you all that much? Do you think this has to do with performance in sales or true performance on the consoles leading up to the launch? Do you think the console version will be scrapped completely or will we see it at a later date somehow? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. When we have more to share for Overkill’s The Walking Dead, we will share it here. Stick around on the site so you can see and hear all of that.

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