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The Council Meets Again As Episode Two Is Given A Release Date

The Council Meets Again As Episode Two Is Given A Release Date

The Council

The second episode of The Council has been given a release date and we also get to see some of the new things coming to The Council in this episode

After an amazing opening with the first episode of The Council, it looks like Big Bad Wolf is about to wrap up work on the second episode as it has been given a set release date now. If you are still behind on the game so far you now have a little bit of time to catch up as the next episode will be dropping on May 15th. Although that seems to be for those who have the season pass for The Council on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC as the official date looks to be May 17th if you are buying it all on its own. Why you would do that after how well the first episode was done is beyond me, but it is worth noting here for those gamers out there who are taking their time and everything for their games. Some of you do that I guess.

Now that we know the date, what do we know about this episode of The Council? Obviously, it will be carrying on the story of Louis de Richet as he is searching for his mother on this secluded island filled with random heads of state or prominent figures from history. This episode will be adding in the Spanish head of state into the mix as well as a few new areas of the mansion to explore and investigate. Also all kinds of choices that we will need to make and then deal with in this choose-your-own-adventure style of game. That and then many more that we have yet to hear of for The Council so far. It is a little exciting and hopefully will carry the title further into the limelight than it is already.

While we do not have a new trailer for The Council to go along with this announcement, we do have some new screenshots for this episode to show off the new characters and areas in the game. It obviously raises a few questions for the game, as it should, and hopefully we will get all of the answers we need in this episode. I guess we will find out soon…

Episode two of The Council, the narrative adventure game that redefines the genre with RPG mechanics and consequences for every choice, will release on May 15. Hide and Seek continues the story of Louis de Richet as he deals with the dramatic results of his actions in episode one, released to press and player acclaim earlier this year. He must continue his investigation into the disappearance of his mother, Sarah, while dealing with the newly-arrived Spanish head of state, the finally-revealed Lord Mortimer, and the quickly-forming factions on the island.

In the first screenshots for episode two, get a glimpse of brand new areas of the mansion to explore, along with new characters who bring dire news and shocking revelations to the island. Who will you side with? Who can you trust? And how will you find Sarah de Richet? The choices are yours in The Council episode two, Hide and Seek.

Hide and Seek releases on May 17 on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Steam. Complete Season and Season Pass owners will receive a two day headstart, with all of episode two being playable from May 15, as well as providing access to all future episodes. Episode one, The Mad Ones, is required to run episode two.

The Council is a narrative adventure game that seduced players and journalists alike with a deep and captivating story featuring intricate characters and smart writing. The innovative concept brings the Narrative Adventure genre beyond its boundaries and allows for meaningful choices with impactful consequences.

The Council episode two, Hide and Seek, releases May 15 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The Complete Season will include a total of five episodes, with new episodes releasing regularly in 2018.

Are you ready for this new episode of The Council or are you still a little behind on it? Have you enjoyed the game so far, if you have played it, or are you waiting for the full season to release before you give it a try? Who else do you think will be joining the cast of the game and will we see other bigger names mixed in? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss. As we have more for The Council, we will have it here on the site. Just keep checking back in here to see it all before the game fully launches.

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