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The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 Will Be Kicking Of The Next Season

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 Will Be Kicking Of The Next Season

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020

The Dark Pictures has teased the next title that will carry on the horror with The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020

The next chapter of The Dark Pictures Anthology is now out there on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC for all to enjoy if they want some great horror to lead into the next holiday. It is the final chapter of the run that Supermassive Games had going for us all and puts us into a new little murder hotel out there. That is not specifically why we are here, though. We are here as it looks like the team is continuing the tradition of announcing the next chapter after the credits roll on the current one. Here we go with the soft announcement for The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020, the story that is going to kick off the second season of these amazing little horror games.

Just as it has been in the past, Directive 8020 does not offer up much else beyond letting us know we are going to be getting more of The Dark Pictures to enjoy. This is not even the official announcement out there either. Just a tease and a little look that we might be going a little more Sci-Fi in the next story added in. This could also be for the whole season of content we are going to get, but given how these all go, that is not a definite thing. The other titles in The Dark Pictures Anthology did play around with time jumps to tell the story, so this could be something along the same way or just part of the bigger narrative we have to figure out. No matter the case, we have more to look forward to and hopefully, it will not be a massive wait to get there.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 — Announcement

At the end of the horror The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me, the final chapter of the first season, you can see a teaser called Directive 8020.

It seems that the action of the first part of the second season will unfold on board a spaceship in the future. Apparently, humanity went in search of a new home and something went wrong: the crew members went crazy and are trying to destroy each other.

Have you been able to start The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me yet or are those your current weekend plans? Do you think that the whole season will be in a Sci-Fi setting or could it only be this first chapter we know is coming? Would they try to pull the rug from under us and make this next bit a dream or simulation story so we can keep closer to some of the themes they have had home runs with already? Go ahead and let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. More for The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020 will be on the way here soon, so please keep checking in for all of that and much, much more.

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