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The Dark Pictures: Little Hope Is Changing The Formula Up A Little Bit

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope Is Changing The Formula Up A Little Bit

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

A new developer diary for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope is here to show off how things are improved upon for Little Hope to better fit

If you were on the edge of things for The Dark Pictures before, you might be brought in all the way for Little Hope as it looks like Supermassive Games is going to mix things up a bit for this one. not always the best thing to do in a game that is supposed to be based each in the same gaming universe. Here for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope it looks like they are addressing a few issues from Man Of Medan and making the controller scheme fit the new world we are going to be in. All of which is shown off in the latest developer diary for the game still slated for this Summer on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

One of the first big things we are going to see in Little Hope is that we will have more camera control in this story than we did before. Something that makes sense, as this is an open area we are in and Man Of Medan was in a very claustrophobic environment for most of the game. It does raise the question of how they are going to handle some of the shock scares mixed in, but it looks like there is a plan for that too. Given that they are also making it easier to know when there is something to interact with in Little Hope and when you succeed at a QTE too. Both things that were not hard to do before, just a bit inconvenient for me.

In addition to all of that, it looks like Little Hope will be taking place in three different time periods for the story. Most of which will be around the college students in the present, but also during the puritanical burning times and the 1970s for some reason. Given all of the inspirations for the game here, it makes a bit more sense. It just seems like it could be a bit jarring if you are not ready for it. Have a look at the latest for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope just below and see all of the things that I am talking about here. You should not be overly let down by it at all.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope — Dev Diary #1

Take a deeper dive into the creation of The Dark Pictures: Little Hope in this new Dev Diary.

Find out how the gruesome New England witch trials inspired the story of the upcoming Horror Game!

Are you excited for Little Hope to finally come this Summer or do you still have to plow through the last game? Do you like that things will be a bit more open for the camera work or do you fear you will miss anything along the way? How do you think the different time changes will work here and will it flow as nice and easy as we think it will be? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all below. For more on The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep it all flowing out there for you as best as we can.

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