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The Delicious Last Course Will Be A Bit Later For Cuphead

The Delicious Last Course Will Be A Bit Later For Cuphead


The Delicious Last Course DLC has been delayed for Cuphead but we have a tease for what it will bring to Cuphead in 2020

The wait is going to continue for those looking for more of Cuphead to play as the announced DLC has been pushed to 2020 now. That goes for the Xbox One, PC, and Switch versions of it all as StudioMDHR is making sure to take their time to make sure it is up to what all of you gamers are demanding. They have been doing a great job keeping Cuphead updated and flowing well while adding in a few things here and there, so it is worth giving them the time to make sure there is no dip in quality for this amazing little game. Just be ready to wait as there is nothing more than the year to go on for this expansion to the game.

The details for The Delicious Last Course are still a bit murky as well, but we do know it will bring more of the game in terms of levels, bosses, and the inclusion of Ms. Chalice to the roster. She will not just be a skinned version of the other characters and a unique addition to it all. She will also have the ability to go back and play the entire version of Cuphead from the start if that is also your jam. That is, at least, when she drops out there for us all next year. For now, have the simple little tease we have and get ready to wait a bit longer.

Cuphead — The Delicious Last Course

More imaginative, screen-filling bosses. Entirely new weapons & charms. And of course, another playable character – the lovely Ms. Chalice! A cornuCUPia of fantastic action awaits in StudioMDHR‘s Cuphead DLC pack, The Delicious Last Course. Originally announced for release in 2019, DLC will now be coming in 2020 to ensure it’s cooked to perfection!

Did you have a feeling that this DLC for Cuphead was going to get pushed or were you hopeful for it to come this year as originally planned? Would you prefer the team to give quality instead of rushing it out and patching later? How different do you think Ms. Chalice will be in the game? Let us have all of those comments and thoughts down below and then discuss. When we have more to share for Cuphead, we will share it all here. All you need to do is keep coming back and checking in for it all.

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