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The Dragons Are Here For Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness

The Dragons Are Here For Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness

Game Of Thrones

A new promo banner for Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness, episode three, shows that we may be seeing more Daenerys Targaryen in the game

Here we are just over a month from the last episode of Telltale’s Game Of Thrones and it looks like we may be getting the third in short order here. At least that would be the normal speculation as a promo banner for the third episode of Telltale’s take on the franchise has cropped up. What is interesting here of course is that it proudly displays one of the great fire-breathing worms that everyone jokes about never coming. Well if speculation is true then it looks like we may be getting more of the dragons and their mother in the coming episode of Game Of Thrones. The video game. Not the show. Let’s be clear here.

All kidding aside from the normal Game Of Thrones jokes here, the better news here is that given Telltale‘s history we can most likely expect to see a trailer for the new episode later this week. That all of course followed by the actual release sometime in the next two weeks. Hopefully sometime before the new season of the HBO show kicks back off. Seeing where that is going, and this version of Game Of Thrones being tied into it in some ways, I can see the image used below to be a bit more powerful in the overall story. No spoilers here for those still behind on Game Of Thrones but the recent TV trailer shows something a bit different than just having dragons.

Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness

Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness

I am curious to see how all of the events here will play out for Game Of Thrones the video game and how they link up to the show’s story. The tease here definitely points to one of my more favorite characters gracing Telltale’s game so I wonder who else may be making the jump from TV to the game. There is such a vast list of characters still kicking after the events of the Red Wedding, when this story starts, and where it left off. I know Telltale is focusing more on the new family for the Game Of Thrones game but none of those characters have really done much to impress me so far. Maybe I’ve invested too much in the others to even try caring. Who knows?

What sayeth you? Do you have any feelings one way or another for Game Of Thrones, the game or show? Do you think that the story here will begin to deviate as the show did from the books? Let us know all of those juicy thoughts down in the comments and then have some wine as we wait for Game Of ThronesThe Sword In The Darkness to finally release.

Game Of Thrones — The Sword In The Darkness

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