The Evil Within 2
New screenshots for The Evil Within 2 have been shared out there and it shows even more of The Evil Within 2’s horror we’ll be seeing
You wanted more The Evil Within 2 and now we have more. Not in the weird GIF video format that we had before when Bethesda was trying to show some off, but in the form of a few new screenshots that they have been dishing out there to show us the horrors that Tango Gameworks has prepared for us for October 13th when we get to dive back into this horror filled universe. Yes, it isn’t much in the way of actual gameplay to be enjoyed, but it is another look at things so we can further see how The Evil Within 2 will look and feel. They sure seem to like to give us just these kinds of updates recently and not much more huh?
As we could have assumed for The Evil Within 2, we have a whole lot of weird and bizarre looking monstrosities out there that we are going to have to face off against and some of them look more violent that we’ve had before. Not mention the weird looking “camera monster” that looks like a mash up of something from before with a whole lot of extra craziness in the mix. Have a look just below and see where The Evil Within 2 is currently at. Then go change your underpants if you find it that freaky.
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
- The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
The Evil Within 2 — Screenshot
I know I can’t be the only one that is hoping for more actual footage for The Evil Within 2 after all the teasing we’ve had here recently. I’m not even talking story bits or spoiler things, but something more tangible than we’ve had so far. Especially given the short turnaround from announcement to release that we have here. The hype should be ever building right now and I have been left wondering and wanting for more of The Evil Within 2 than I should be right now. Especially if Bethesda wants to secure my money in their account. It is no knock on the game as it looks so far, but it is hard to get excited for a game that is only getting small teases here.
How do you feel about these small teases for The Evil Within 2 that we’ve been getting instead of solid updates? Is it boosting your hype for the game at all or are you in my boat and wanting to see and know more? Do you think we are going to get a huge media drop out of Gamescom or will it be somewhere randomly out there that we’ll see a whole lot more? Let us know all your thoughts and then feel free to discuss down in the comments. For more on The Evil Within 2 in any form, be sure to stick right here. We’ll have all of the minor and huge updates as they come and you won’t want to miss out on a single thing here.
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