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The Evil Within 2 Has Some “New & Exclusive” Gameplay To Look At

The Evil Within 2 Has Some “New & Exclusive” Gameplay To Look At

The Evil Within 2

Some new gameplay for The Evil Within 2 has just been released and it is what was shown for The Evil Within 2 at E3 this year

Now that we’ve had The Evil Within 2 announced for a bit, let’s talk about the lack of any real extended gameplay to look at for the game. It is supposed to release here on October 13th this year so for the most part Tango Gameworks should be close to having it all completed and should have something more than the little bit we’ve already seen out there. At least we’d like to think that way. Maybe Bethesda is just holding back on releasing any of The Evil Within 2‘s footage to keep the fear factor a bit higher and the suspense drawn out. We may never know here. At least never know unless we were able to get through the long lines of E3 to see the little slices of the game to show off the horror that is coming.

Let me rephrase that there. Until now the only way to see some of the horror that is coming for The Evil Within 2 was to make it through the lines at E3. Now we all can have a little taste of it all as there has now been some more gameplay released. Well…I guess…more gameplay teased and kind of shown off as now we have a few lengthy animated GIFs to show off what some may have seen for The Evil Within 2 that hasn’t been made fully public. I just heard eyes rolling didn’t I? Seems like I did, but none the less here are some of the bits of the game that are supposed to show off how scary the game could be at the end of the day or night. All in low definition too!

The Evil Within 2 — GameplayThe Evil Within 2 — Gameplay
The Evil Within 2 — GameplayThe Evil Within 2 — Gameplay

The Evil Within 2 E3 2017 Experience

Sebastian Castellanos has been to hell and back… and now he’s returning to the nightmare once more. Announced during the Bethesda E3 2017 Showcase, The Evil Within 2 will see Sebastian enter a new STEM world to save the daughter he thought he lost years ago. Attendees who visited the Bethesda booth were invited to immerse themselves into three in-game locations and check out a sliver of the horror that awaits Sebastian. If you weren’t unable to attend E3 this year, now is your chance to check out some of the exclusive gameplay clips shown off on the show floor.

Does any of this get you excited or fill you in more on The Evil Within 2 or does it raise a few suspicions? Could this all just be a tease that Bethesda is finally going to share all of those videos and experiences from the show floor so those who missed out can truly see what is going on here? Do you think that any of the above truly shows off the horror and fear factors of the game better than the trailers we’ve already seen out there? Let us know down in the comments and of course feel free to discuss away. For more on The Evil Within 2, and hopefully more substance, be sure to keep checking in here. We’ll have it all and you won’t want to miss out on a single thing now. I think…

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