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The Evil Within Is Looking For Boxman Cosplay

The Evil Within Is Looking For Boxman Cosplay

The Evil Within

Ok, so that headline is only half way true. Tango Gameworks and Bethesda are also looking for some awesome The Evil Within fan art or costumes inspired by everything they have released for the game so far and not just Boxman. You could also go with Nails-In-The-Face or Octo-Hair-Wavy-Girl if you are so inclined. Granted those names are made up by myself and not the “official” names being used by the studio or the publisher but if you look at the trailers and screen shots then mix in their ‘clever’ name for Boxman it is an easy assumption.

Moving on now.

So why are they looking for this? Well if you swing on over to The Evil Within‘s Wikia page you will see that they are running a fun contest for Halloween. The winners of the contest not only have the amazing costume or art to show off but they will also be getting a GeForce GTX 760 Graphics Card and a The Evil Within poster signed by Shinji Mikami. Not a bad deal for doing something truly frightening for Halloween.

This is open to anyone over 18 years of age and living in the U.S., Canada, or the UK with a deadline of October 31st 2013. All of the rules and requirements can be found on the site but I will leave you with a little bit of help in case you are interest; 3D models of Boxman. There are two versions below to help you build your costumes or art. One with a bag and an ax and one with just a meat tenderizer. If you choose to enter please link an image to us after yoau submit it officially. Have fun.

Boxman with a bag and ax.

Boxman with a meat tenderizer.