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The Fight Is Going To The Dogs In Samurai Shodown

The Fight Is Going To The Dogs In Samurai Shodown

Samurai Shodown

The next character for Samurai Shodown is here and brings in a dog to help with the fight to bring down everyone in Samurai Shodown

Not to be left out of the E3 fun, we have a new character for Samurai Shodown to take in and see just before launch. We are only a few weeks out from getting to play it on the Switch, PS4, or Xbox One and we still are fleshing out the roster. I do not even think we have moved into the DLC realm that SNK is working on for Samurai Shodown that will be free for those who pick the game up within the launch window. You do what you are going to do, but make sure not to miss out on anything that is in the works when it is all free. Let us dig into the new character announced for the game.

As you will see below, we now have Galford in the mix for Samurai Shodown and bringing an “All-American” feel to it all. That is, at least, what the description we have here is. I am more focused on the fact that he will have a dog companion fighting with him in the match and swinging his weapons. Not to mention that the call out for the doggie is just “Puppy!” I am sure we will all take this nice break from the traditional in Samurai Shodown when the fight does come. Have a look at Galford down in the latest trailer and then get ready for the release to finally hit us all.

Samurai Shodown — Galford

Meet the all-American ninja and self-proclaimed “Superhero of Justice,” fan-favorite Galford. Traveling the world on a quest for peace, he is accompanied by his pet dog Poppy and his Justice Blade. Together, Galford and Poppy are ready to strike down every last enemy of justice at a moment’s notice.

Are you glad to see this character and his dog in the mix for Samurai Shodown or is it a weird deviation from it all? Do you think that it will get annoying to keep hearing the call out to the dog in the fight or will it be so basic we will ignore it all? Who do you think will be next in the growing list here for the game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we have more for Samurai Shodown, we will have it all here. Keep coming back here and you will see it all as best as we can get it out to you. It has been a busy week.

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