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The First Descendant Is Gearing Us All Up For Another Fight For Survival

The First Descendant Is Gearing Us All Up For Another Fight For Survival

The First Descendant

The First Descendant is here to tease us with a new co-op looter shooter with The First Descendant hitting beta soon

Grab your virtual guns and get ready for another fun co-op title with the reveal of The First Descendant. Originally, this was going under the working title of Project Magnum just in case you think it sounds familiar, but NEXON has been working on it and is ready to tease us all with a bit of gameplay. Some gameplay that shows off a bit of the other worlds we will go to in The First Descendant along with how the various characters will function to help each other out. All so we can end it all with humanity on top or realizing they were the true villains at the end of it all. That is kind of how our Sci-Fi has been going in the past few years. Maybe they will shake things up for all of this when it hits the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. If we can wait longer than October to get in with the beta, that is.

When it comes to the details for The First Descendant, beyond the four-player co-op and other basics for the game, all we have is a short look and description to go on here. It definitely looks like they are diving into the functionality and visuals that the UE5 engine can offer up, but with most of the characters looking and feeling like many we have seen in the past, it is hard to see much in the way of something new. Maybe that will be coming out of Gamescom here soon where a longer look for The First Descendant is set to be unveiled out there. Then again, most of these kinds of games look quite cookie cutter to me with the space marine heading out to fight something with some fantastic tech or abilities that surround them in different lighting. What I am saying here is, bring on the beta test to prove all of that wrong.

The First Descendant — Teaser

Check out the sneak peek of The First Descendant‘s official trailer and enjoy the spectacular shooting action and high-quality graphics developed using Unreal Engine 5.

NEXON will be revealing their first official trailer soon. So, stay tuned!

In the meantime, don’t forget to sign up for the October beta test.

Steam Beta Period: October 20th – October 26th (PDT)

The player becomes a Descendant whose mission is to fight against alien invaders for the survival of humanity by protecting the Ingris continent. Experience a spectacular story while growing stronger through various missions and stories to finally discover the Descendants’ secret. Feel The First Descendant’s unique atmosphere through high-quality fields developed with Unreal Engine 5 and gain a new experience of reality and Sci-Fi fantasy coexisting in one place.


  • 4-Player Co-Op Play – Team up with other players for four-player co-op strategic battles. Each player’s amazing powers and abilities will lead to tactical battles for the win.
  • Charming & Unique Characters – Play as different characters, each with distinctive concepts and battle styles. Characters will have customizable elements to allow players to support character decoration. Don’t miss your chance to play as twelve different characters during the closed-beta test this Autumn.
  • Exciting Battles, Dynamic Action, Multiple Skills, & Unique Weapons – Experience exciting battles with different characters, each with unique skill sets, free movements, and chain actions through grappling hooks, colorful firearms, and additional effects. Players create the battle style they desire!
  • Battle Huge Boss Monsters – Battle huge boss monsters with different appearances and abilities. Various powers and difficulties will stimulate the player’s competitive spirit as you struggle not to fall in battle. Target the boss’s gimmicks to experience a more compact and strategic team play.
  • Motivating Play & Growth – Equip characters with 3 guns, 4 pieces of secondary equipment, and various sub-weapons. Use and change the equipment based on the types of battles encountered. New equipment develops character growth by combining various pieces, enhancing character and firearm stats, or adding a new ability. Obtain new items through clearing scenario missions or in the world missions where cooperation is crucial. Use new items to challenge yourself with more complex tasks!

Have you been waiting to see how The First Descendant has evolved from what it first was and is that still waiting for now? Do you think that we will get something more than the basic four-player so-op that we normally get or will this be the publisher’s way of getting deeper into the setting? Will the character customization offer the deeper things we are looking for or will that also be in the modes and gameplay loops that will be coming too? Tell us all of your ideas on this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it if you so wish. If we get more for The First Descendant, know that we will do what we can to share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back for all of that and much more.

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