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The Frights Are More Intense With The Update Of The Visage: Enhanced Edition

The Frights Are More Intense With The Update Of The Visage: Enhanced Edition

Visage: Enhanced Edition

The horror title Visage is now darker and scarier for all with the Visage: Enhanced Edition out in all forms now

The season may be close to over, but that does not mean that we do not have more horror to take in again with the full release of the Visage: Enhanced Edition. The core game has been out for a bit now, but SadSquare Studio has been working on getting it to land well on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Not to mention give the PC gamers a bit more to experience with Visage with the full 4K upgrades that many have been pushing to get. Now the new version is fully out after a staggered release for all of the consoles it has hit thus far. Get ready to carry that horror on to the next month or two with it all.

You can get a little bit of a look at how the visuals for Visage have been boosted for the console gamers out there with the 4K and 60fps that is the current attempt for all. The load times are also a bit faster and for those on the PlayStation side of it all, there will be some haptic feedback mixed in too. All for the great low price of just owning Visage in the first place of it all. For those that have been on the fence for it, take a look at the following trailer to see what you have been missing and could get in for these holidays that are coming up.

Visage: Enhanced Edition — Announcement

The unsettling trailer for the upcoming enhanced edition of the horror game, Visage, coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Experience the same horrific journey in 4K 60FPS, with improved loading times and support for the next-gen controller haptic feedback for greater immersion.

The Enhanced Edition is free for those who already own the game on last-gen consoles.

Visage: Enhanced Edition is available now on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Series X/S, and on November 5, 2021 for PlayStation 5.

Visage is available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X/S.

Have you experienced what Visage had to offer up or will this bring you into it all? Do you think this will be the final form of it all or could we see more from the developer and this IP over time? Will you keep playing all of the horror games into the season where the majority of society is trying to pretend to be happy? Tell us what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will keep any of the news for the Visage: Enhanced Edition coming to you as it flows out there. Please keep checking in on the site for all of that and much more.

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