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The Halloween Serial Killer Is On The Prowl For The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me

The Halloween Serial Killer Is On The Prowl For The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me

One more look at The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me gives us all another look at the killer out there in The Devil In Me

Cutting things a little close (pun intended), it looks as if The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me is ready to give us one more look at the killer in the game just before Halloween proper. Even if the game does not drop on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, or PC until November 18th, that does not mean that Supermassive Games is not going to try to capitalize on the season. That is why we are here to see how this new killer will build into the holiday as well as what we are going to have to survive in The Devil In Me when we try to survive the murder hotel in the long narrative.

It has been well-known that the killer in The Devil In Me is going to be themed around H. H. Holmes and the Murder Castle that was built before. This new trailer shows more of that and that this one is more of a copycat more than a living embodiment of the past killer. All with a fully rebuilt version of the Murder Hotel from before and this killer forcing the characters in the story to choose who will die. A bit of a difference here in The Devil In Me than in reality. Not only that, but something to help drive these choices and gameplay a bit further forward and give the title of the game a little bit of a different meaning. Have a look and see if you will truly be the devil in the story or still try to keep everyone alive along the way.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me — Halloween Serial Killer

He is watching you, following you, he knows everything about you…

No matter where you go or what you try to do, he will always be one step ahead…

So be prepared, for nothing is certain in life but death.

Are you still saddened that we will not be seeing The Devil In Me for Halloween or will it drop at the perfect time to keep the frights going? Do you suspect that we are going to be used as an analog for the killer in this story or will there actually be a face to it all? Will any of the schematics be based on the real-world version of things or will it all be a fantasy version to get us further into the game’s lore than anything? Feel free to comment and discuss down in the section provided. I know we have a little more to share for The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me, so please keep an eye on the site for all of that and everything else that we have to offer up out there.

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