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The Insanity Is Coming Back In For Us In Far Cry 6

The Insanity Is Coming Back In For Us In Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6

The villain of Far Cry 3 is back in the mix for the Far Cry 6 DLC that you can dive into right now

One of our favorite Far Cry villains is back in the mix as we try to recover from the latest one we just had to survive. The first DLC is here and Ubisoft is bringing Vaas back in for a bit more of the insanity that the character was known for. Just in the setting for Far Cry 6 and with a bit of a co-op gameplay to take us all further down the weird rabbit hole. This too is something that feels a little off but I am sure will make much more sense beyond just hearing and slightly seeing what is going on here. Well, beyond getting a bit more to experience from the actor and the character that he helped bring into our video gaming culture for close to a decade now. That is kind of insane to think about here too, is it not?

The DLC here looks like we will have another of those famous Far Cry mind trips going on but exploring a bit more of the psyche of Vaas in the mix. The psyche and a bit on how the character can get stronger and learn from the failures over time. All of which with the mentality of getting stronger each time we die in the mix. I have a feeling that will not be the core mechanic here, as it would just make sense to keep killing ourselves right from the start to become a god out there. While that would be a little fitting to what we have seen and heard for Far Cry in general, I do not think it would lend to be a fun game to experience, even if it is just DLC for now.

Far Cry 6 — Vaas: Insanity DLC #1 Launch Trailer

Vaas is back! Become the villain as you step into the mind of Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 and battle your inner demons. Benefit from the Buddy Pass service to invite a friend and play the DLC in co-op even if your friend does not own the DLC. Vaas: Insanity is available now.

If you are just now downloading and adding this DLC to your version of Far Cry 6, then we have one more thing you can watch as it loads and installs. A new interview with the actor behind the character of Vaas, Michael Mando, sat down and explained some of the genesis of the character and how it evolved into what we all know and love. It is a fun little watch to get a bit more into the psyche of the character and maybe tip us off as to what new will be in the Far Cry line for him. You can enjoy that just a little lower as you wait for the DLC to finally get mixed into your copy.

Far Cry 6 — Michael Mando Interview

Michael Mando resumed his role as Vaas Montenegro for the Far Cry 6 DLC Episode Vaas: Insanity! Learn more about his role in both Far Cry 3 and the DLC. Vaas: Insanity is available now.

How do you suspect that this DLC will mix into the story for Far Cry in general and will we have more from this villain in the future? Would it be weird if we could hulk out from the start by just killing ourselves multiple times or will these learning lessons be incremental along the path? Could Vaas have been another victim of the regime we have helped to topple here or will this just be a fun side story using the latest build of the IP to help us all along? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to do so. We will keep adding what we can for Far Cry 6 and the IP as best we can. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much more in the future.

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