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The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum Teases Us All Just A Bit More

The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum Teases Us All Just A Bit More

The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum

The first teaser video for The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum is here to give us a taste of the side of the Gollum story we will see

We had a few teaser screenshots for The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum pop up online not too long ago and now we are back with the official video teaser for the game. Yeah, it is a whole lot of teasing that Daedalic Entertainment is doing here but we have something new to look at for this stealth game we will be seeing on the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC next year. I am not sure that Gollum is the one character everyone has been waiting to get to play as, but that does not change the fact we are getting it. That and it will be nice to have another solid video game to have in the universe. There has to be more to the story we have all missed thus far, right?

The teaser here does not show much more than Gollum running around a cave and staying hidden as he exits a cave. All to have a look at Mount Doom and a bit more, but it is something. It is a bit odd to see the design look a bit more like that of Oddworld to me if I do say so. This was not going to be a movie tie-in in any way but just like other games it feels like we have a look for Gollum in our heads and it will feel odd if it deviates. Nonetheless, have a look at this new teaser and then hope we get a full reveal to explain more of the game and the tidbits we have seen outside of this little trailer we have today. There has to be more out there than this right now.

The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum — Teaser

Check out the very first official look at The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum, the upcoming stealth adventure game from Daedelic.

Does this Gollum feel like a good conversion over from what we have seen for years or is it a bit off to you? Do you think that all of this will be us skulking around in caves or will there be much more for us to sneak through in the game? Will there be a new story for us to experience here or will it just be the same thing we have heard and seen time and time again? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum, we will have it all here for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in to make sure you are completely up to date.

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