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The Outlast Trials Villains Show The Limits To Terror & Pain

The Outlast Trials Villains Show The Limits To Terror & Pain

The Outlast Trials

A new look at the villains in The Outlast Trials are here just before the full launch of The Outlast Trials on the world

The 1.0 version of The Outlast Trials is almost here with March 5th so close to us all. That means we need to get ready for more of that terror that Red Barrels has been known for to hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in this way. Even if those on the PC have had a chance to take some of it all in up to now. For those who might not have had that chance or need to wait for the console version of The Outlast Trials, here is one more teaser to show you the darkness that is coming. The darkness in the way of the villains we are going to have to survive in the game from the day of launch.

In the following video for The Outlast Trials, we get a look at Mother Gooseberry and Leland Coyle as they are set upon anyone trying to survive the facility. We will happen to be some of those somebodies in the game and we get to watch as this former child show host with dissociative identity disorder and a sexual sadist of a cop, respectively, are let loose to do what they do. That would be to show the true levels of human depravity in the world of The Outlast Trials. Spoiler alert, there is no limit and we will need to be on top of our game to make sure we are not assaulted, carved up, or tortured in the sick ways that the team has come up with. Have a look at what is about to come at us all soon.

The Outlast Trials — Villains

The Murkoff Corporation has been working hard to make sure its therapy is just right for the influx of new Reagents coming to the Sinyala Facility soon… Gooseberry and Coyle just can’t wait!

The Outlast Trials is launching its 1.0 version and coming to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on March 5th, 2024.

The Outlast Trials, is a brand new take on the acclaimed Outlast survival horror series, set in the same terrifying universe as the previous titles, only this time you can choose to play on your own or with friends in a team of up to four people.

Just as with all of the other versions of Outlast out there, I am super excited to see how this all is going to play out here. I have opted to stay away from the Early Access to the game and other demos so I can go in with nothing shocking me yet, and this trailer does make it feel like that was a good idea. It also gives an even bigger reason to want to play the game with three other players with these killers looking like they will do the thing of nightmares that we only hear about in true crime podcasts. Even if it does make me wonder how The Outlast Trials is able to pull this off without getting one of those dreaded age ratings we saw in the past with titles like Manhunt. Humans, though, are the worst and maybe we realize that fiction is tamer than reality in this instance.

Are you scared to head back into the world of Outlast in this way or does this build more excitement for you? Will these be the only two killers we have to deal with in the game or will we see many more at the same level after launch? How twisted will this game be when compared to those killers of the real world showing there is no depth humans will not go to with their depravity? Head on down to the comment section to discuss it all and let the world know your thoughts. We will share what we can for The Outlast Trials here on the site, so please come on back to see it all as we do. Unless things get a little too dark and it scares you all off.

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