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The Penance Continues Further With Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide

The Penance Continues Further With Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide

Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide

The fun of Blasphemous continues with the launch of Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide out there as of right now

It is good to get reminders of things, as here we go with the reminder that Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide is dropping on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. The latest of free updates to be had from The Game Kitchen and Team17 for the title. Also the latest of updates that can be added into your copy of Blasphemous as you are reading this text here. If it is not already updating and adding in all of the new features that this will be bringing. It is a busy world out there and it is nice to get some of these little things to help keep us going as we head into the holiday season here.

In addition to offering up a whole lot of new updates and fixes for Blasphemous on the base level, it looks like we have a whole lot of new things to enjoy too. Like whole new levels, bosses to fight, and other secrets to take on in the mix of it all. I mean, that should be expected with the fact that we have a whole named addition instead of just a number to indicate it all. Something you can all get a taste for below along with the tease of the whole next Blasphemous title in the line of it all. If you have not already just loaded the game up and opted to play it all now instead of watching the trailer we have to take in. That would be the better way to go about it all.

Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide — Launch Trailer

Carve out a new fate for all Cvstodia. Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide is a free update available now on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Look out for the sequel to Blasphemous, launching in 2023!

Did you need this remember for Blasphemous or are you such a hardcore fan that you are already playing all of this? Do you think we will see more updates like this as we head to a full sequel or will this hold us over until then? When do you think we will get the full official announcement and will it still be 2023 when they aim to launch it all? Let us all know out there and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will keep sharing what we can for Blasphemous: Wounds Of Eventide and the IP in general. Please just keep an eye on the site for all of that and much, much more.

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