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The Release Date Is Set For The Beyond Update For No Man’s Sky

The Release Date Is Set For The Beyond Update For No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky

The next update for No Man’s Sky has a release date set down and it looks like a whole lot more will be added to No Man’s Sky in a few weeks

Good news for those still sticking with No Man’s Sky. The next update, Beyond, now has a date laid down for us on when to expect it. If you have been looking forward to what this update will be bringing to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of the game, Hello Games has just announced that you will get this update on August 14th now. Not too long of a wait for No Man’s Sky to take the few extra steps to become the game we have been waiting for it to be. If only the community never forced their hands to put out the worst version of the game in the first place…

This new update for No Man’s Sky will be bringing with it new social multiplayer options and features for us to experience. Also a load of other features that the team has been wishing to get out there as well as a way to play it all in VR. Just what we all want out there, right? A nice new VR version of No Man’s Sky to try to get lost in. Even if you were not a fan in the beginning, it looks like the game is evolving so much that it is a night and day difference so it is worth the look. Below is a bit more on all of this and a teaser for the release date mentioned.

No Man’s Sky — Beyond Release Date

Hello Everyone,

We know that there is a lot of hunger out there for news and updates on No Man’s Sky. We’re very excited to be able to share more information from behind the scenes.

Our next chapter No Man’s Sky: Beyond, is coming on August 14th!

Beyond will contain three major updates rolled into one larger free release. These changes are a mix of features we’ve been dreaming of for a while, and a reaction to how we have seen folks playing since the release of NEXT.

An expanded Online experience will bring a radical new social and multiplayer experience which empowers players everywhere in the universe to meet and play together.

Meanwhile VR support will bring the entire game experience to life in virtual reality. Grab the joystick and thruster to fly your starship over an unexplored alien planet as you peer out of the cockpit at the view below. Reach into your backpack to grab your multitool, touch it to switch to terrain manipulation, and carve out intricate shapes with unprecedented control. Play in multiplayer and casually wave to your non-VR friends or fist bump your VR peers. Anything possible in No Man’s Sky, NEXT or any other update will soon be ready and waiting as an immersive and enriched VR experience.

What do you think about all of these updates coming to No Man’s Sky? Is it still too little too late for you to get back into it all? Have you been hoping for a VR version of this game since launch or will it be something that gets little playtime? Let us all know down in the comments. When there is actually more to share for No Man’s Sky, it will be shared here. All you need to do is keep checking in here for that and much more.

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