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The Riffs Are Getting Heavier & Spicier For Metal: Hellsinger

The Riffs Are Getting Heavier & Spicier For Metal: Hellsinger

Metal: Hellsinger

Metal: Hellsinger has some new and raw gameplay to take in to show us how Hellsinger is progressing with the new vocals

The wait for Metal: Hellsinger to hit all of our systems just seems to be taking forever for us. That is the feel for me at least and we still have to wait for The Outsiders to get things done. It does mean that we are getting more artists in the mix of the music here for Hellsinger, but it is all a tease until we get to actually play it ourselves. The musicians are nice to have and I am glad to see the roster expanding, but we all want the gameplay to enjoy. That is the bigger bit that we have here for us all right now. A whole lot of raw gameplay to enjoy at that as well.

You can have a look at all of this down below and see how the shooting and music will need to be timed in Hellsinger. It looks like things are a little looser than we have seen in other titles so we can enjoy the shooting and music all at the same time. This is something that I was curious on here as Hellsinger will need us to stay on beat to keep the combo going. The combo will help us all slay the demons of Hell a bit more efficiently. Have a look for yourself and see just how it is going and then get ready for the long wait as we head into 2022 here. I am hoping it is not going to be too far into the year before we get it.

Metal: Hellsinger — Gameplay

Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS, where your ability to shoot on the beat will enhance your gameplay experience. The more in sync you are with the rhythm, the more intense the music will become and the more destruction you will cause.

Coming in 2022.

Do you like how Hellsinger is shaping up here or will you need to see the final build to make the decision? Will this be more of the gameplay for you or will it be the musicians that get you trying it out? Can you see how the guns advance when you hit to the beat or will it just be a scoring and reloading bit we have had in other titles? Tell us all of those answers and more down in the comments. We will keep sharing all that we can for Metal: Hellsinger, so be sure to keep checking back in. I know I am still excited for this one and each new bit makes me wish the delay never happened.

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