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The Rise Of The Tomb Raider Demo That Should Have Been At Gamescom

The Rise Of The Tomb Raider Demo That Should Have Been At Gamescom

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

A stealthier version of the Rise Of The Tomb Raider demo that was shown off at Gamescom has been released to show combat doesn’t have to be used in Rise Of The Tomb Raider

If you were like me then you were most likely let down with the first showcase of Rise Of The Tomb Raider during Gamescom. It was claimed to be a stealth gameplay demo just for the show but there was a lot more combat mixed in and a lot less stealth than we should expect in Rise Of The Tomb Raider. It looks like Crystal Dynamics heard or read the outcry there as they have just released a new version of that “stealth” Rise Of The Tomb Raider gameplay footage only this time they really do mean stealth as Lara makes her way through the same area without trying to kill or injure a single person in Rise Of The Tomb Raider.

Usually I am all about the killing to get rid of those pesky guards in games like Rise Of The Tomb Raider but that just has never been Lara’s style before and more along the lines of Agent 47. She is after all a “normal” human being trying to explore the world and not get killed in the mix of it. There is no better way to do that than to make the enemy never know you were there. This is what I am looking forward to in Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Crystal Dynamics is not letting us down at all; at least based on the following footage you have most likely just jumped on down to. I know our fans here. All six of you…

Rise Of The Tomb Raider — “Advancing Storm” Stealth Playthrough

Looks like I have to go back and rethink more on Rise Of The Tomb Raider given this new gameplay and my reservations I had out of Gamescom doesn’t it? I swear that sometimes the people who put together gameplay demos and trailers need to think about what fans of franchises really want to see and not what could “sizzle” as was the case here with Rise Of The Tomb Raider. This would have had me extremely excited for the game instead of questioning the development choices of Crystal Dynamics right out of Gamescom here. I guess it’s good we still have time before Rise Of The Tomb Raider so they can make sure we see all the right angles of the games and not the obtuse ones.

Now what do you think of Rise Of The Tomb Raider and the stealth gameplay we are going to experience? Are you a bit more settled as I am or were you really hoping for a combat-driven, Lara Croft murder-machine that we saw in the original gameplay released? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments and let the discussion continue for Rise Of The Tomb Raider. We’ll try to keep you up to date on all things Rise Of The Tomb Raider as Crystal Dynamics releases the info so be sure to keep checking in and checking in often right here.

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

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