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The Skies May Not Be The Limit In Styx: Shards Of Darkness

The Skies May Not Be The Limit In Styx: Shards Of Darkness

Styx: Shards Of Darkness

New screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness have released and it looks like Styx may be taking to the skies of Korrangar in the upcoming sequel

We all know that Styx: Shards Of Darkness will have us venturing into some dark caves and dungeons to murder our way to some sweet, sweet Amber out there. Now it looks like more of the world is opening up to us as we will be taking to the skies in Cyanide Studios‘ sequel to the small hit. At least that is what it looks like from the new screenshots we have here for Shards Of Darkness that show off Korrangar in the game and Styx being up to his usual tomfoolery. AT least it looks like it as he does look like he is surrendering himself up in one of the shots here and last I checked it was a kill on sight order against him. Maybe he is taking a page out of Agent 47’s playbook here. Maybe not though.

Anyways, the latest screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness show the skies and aerial sections of the game in semi-motion. It looks like we will actually get to pilot the airships here although it could just be set up for a cut-scene and not true navigation again. But at least it does look like the whole world is a lot more open than before and care has been taken to make sure it is filled in with interesting things to see and do. Of course this could just be the angle that Focus Home Interactive wants to show for the game and we will still be down in the muck like the last title had us. Most of the skies were just pretty background before as the true action was on the ground floors.

None the less, have a look at the latest screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness and then get ready to wait as the release is still set for “Early 2017” for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I’m hoping that early means January but it really could be all the way out to April and still be technically “early” in the year. I have a feeling we’ll get that news here in short order though…

The only thing sharper than Styx’s wit is his knife, and both will be put to the test in his deadly adventure across land, sea and sky. After taking care of business in City of Thieves Thoben, Styx agrees to steal an ambassador’s scepter – in exchange for vast quantities of highly addictive, magical Amber of course! It’s not long before this seemingly straight forward task takes an unexpected turn though, as Styx is thrust into a dangerous world of shady politics and powerful magic.

This time around, Styx has access to a far greater arsenal of tools and abilities to fit with a range of different playstyles. Avoid or hunt guards with potent Amber powers, including the ability to instantly teleport into a newly hatched Styx clone. The newly-added crafting system lets you adapt to situations as you progress, allowing you to craft lethal traps and other devices from components stolen on your adventure.

What do you think about the new screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness that we have here? Do you think that the skies will truly be open for us or will they just be nice scenes to look at as we head back into the dirt below? Do you think that we will get false surrenders in the game to help us get stealth kills or out of situations? Let us know what you think down in the comments and feel free to discuss. For more on Styx: Shards Of Darkness as it comes, be sure to stick right here as we’ll keep bringing you all of the updates and images that we can get our grimy hands on. Maybe we need to storm the castles over there to get truly new information and a release date…

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