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The Society Is Here To Crush All Opposition In Injustice 2

The Society Is Here To Crush All Opposition In Injustice 2

Injustice 2

The fourth story trailer for Injustice 2 has dropped and introduces us to Injustice 2’s version of the Society with all the villains we should expect

With a roster as large as Injustice 2‘s it makes sense that we have so many splintered factions trying to take over the world now that the Justice League has been shut down. There’s a power vacuum that needs filling and there are so many that want to fill the void. It all makes sense and NetherRealm Studios is setting everything up well to make this their largest story in a fighting game yet. More so now that we have The Society joining in with their faction roster of Injustice 2 characters trying to fight and bring down all who stand in their way. But exactly who makes up The Society here in the story?

The quick answer here is Gorilla Grodd, Bane, Cheetah, Catwoman, Captain Cold, Deadshot, Scarecrow, and a few others like Reverse Flash. Others can be seen in the latest trailer for Injustice 2 just below, but those are the big names called out so far. This leads me to believe that the other villains and heroes we see here are all on Batman’s side of things and hopefully there to get help against Brainiac. You know, the big villain that seems to have all but been forgotten since he was announced and shown off back in January. I have a feeling that we are going to get one more trailer like this that shows him off just before Injustice 2 launches on May 16th. Mark these words.

Injustice 2 — Shattered Alliances Part 4

Delve deeper into the origins of the villainous alliance know as The Society. Led by the genius telepath Gorilla Grodd, The Society brings together Bane, Cheetah, Catwoman, Captain Cold, Deadshot, Scarecrow and other notorious DC Super-Villains as they fight to fill the power void left by Superman’s defeat.

In addition to all of this, we also have a plethora of new videos to look at here for Injustice 2. NetherRealm Studios held another one of their Watchtower streams yesterday and they showed off quite a few characters we will get to play with, including one that was recently announced. No, not Scarecrow sadly, but others from the villains trailer has been given some more screen time. Captain Cold and Bane to name them and we get to see much more than just a few quick glimpses. Also sadly it looks like there is a lot more Sub Zero in Captain Cold than I wanted. At least we do have the options to overload his gun for some interesting character powers on his end.

Injustice 2 — Introducing Captain Cold!

Injustice 2 — Captain Cold Breakdown

Next up is a solid look at Bane for Injustice 2 and just as I speculated before, he is a very heavy wrestling character in the mix. Makes perfect sense and all so I won’t complain but I am not a fan of command grabs and the like so Bane will most likely not be my go to character unless I am forced to play him in the story mode. Although given that they have added in a feature in the story mode to allow us to select specific characters for a chapter or two, I may get to skip him altogether. Even with the way his character power works I am not excited to play as Bane. To each their own though and that is the wonders of Injustice 2.

Injustice 2 — Bane Breakdown

Last on the docket from NetherRealm Studios was a look at how The Flash will handle in Injustice 2. As it looks, he is about the same as he was in the first Injustice with a few new tweaks and changes to keep him up to date. I always found him to be the most solid of characters to date and I am glad to see that he hasn’t changed too much. Although, one of the best changes is the Super Move he has that will have a screaming at Barry to stop messing with time. Maybe that is why the Reverse Flash is here as it does look like he will give him a run for his money. Pun totally intended there.

Injustice 2 — The Flash Breakdown

Injustice 2 — Reverse Flash In Game First Look!

What do you think about Injustice 2‘s version of The Society? Do you think that they are being tapped to help with the impending fight with Brainiac or just another hurdle for the team to get past? What do you think about the characters we saw broken down here and what do you think about the premium skin that has been shown off? Let us know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Injustice 2 and all of its characters still to be shown, keep your eyes glued to the site here. We will bring you all of it as we can and we still have so much more to see.

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