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The Story Is Spreading Further For Control

The Story Is Spreading Further For Control


A new story trailer for Control is here to give us more to look at for the game as well as a bit of a deeper feel for what Control’s story will hold

We are now just under a month out from Control getting into our hands with August 27th fast approaching. I do hope that you have been keeping an eye on this one as it looks like it could be offering up more to the gaming industry than we have seen in a while. Remedy has offered up amazing story and gameplay in the past for all of their titles, and this one is aiming to do the same. That and Control will aim to bring more of the “New Weird” concept that is all over the TV and Film mediums currently. I do not think that this will be the true first for it all, but this should be the first game that completely focuses on it.

We should know for now about the plights that Jesse is going to be in when Control kicks off. She is the new director for the FBoC. She has a special gun that can morph into many different forms. There is something called the Hiss running amuck in the Oldest House. Now it looks like some of them have been let in via some “less sane” in the building. That is the takeaway I am getting based on this new trailer we have for Control. I am sure we will have more as the week progresses, but it is interesting to see that humans will also be a threat in the game while not being controlled. Have a look at what we have for the game now.

Control — Exclusive Story Trailer

Control is Jesse Faden’s story. The main plot focuses on her personal search for answers as she grows into the role of the Director. The world of Control has its own story, as do the allies Jesse meets along the way. Side-quests and Secrets are everywhere. Jesse works with other Bureau agents, decodes cryptic ciphers and discovers strange Bureau experiments.

Are you completely ready for Control to come to us or do you still need more of the story and gameplay to sell you? Do you think this will be the first big outing for the “New Weird” genre in video game form? Do you think we are going to see that humans are always the bigger monsters yet again in this game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more to share for Control, we will share it all here. All you need to do is keep checking back in here for that and much more.

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