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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Is Revving Things Up With Another Behind The Scenes

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Is Revving Things Up With Another Behind The Scenes

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

It is time to hear more for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and how they are capturing the sounds of Texas and Chain Saws

Time to go behind the scenes for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre once more with the next video we have to show off how the sounds of the game have been captured. Yes, it looks like Sumo Nottingham went out there into the world to re-record a bunch of new sounds for the chain saws we will be slaying each other with. Not just in the basic ways, but some of them that go all the way back to the classic Texas Chain Saw Massacre films. No resampling of any of the film sounds for the game but they did head out to find the machinery that is from the era and locations that everything was filmed around just to give us a little more of the authenticity to the horror game we should expect.

Yes, as it sounds, the team went out of their way to find the old and classic chain saws of the time to capture the different sounds that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre may have had. They all sound about the same to me, but it is nice to see how they are going to try to keep it as authentic to the world as possible. This even includes some of the audio team wandering the fields of Texas, or at least what looks like some of the areas out there, to capture the different sounds of walking and the lands. That way those that will take notice of it all will have a better experience. Not that we will have time to slow down and be able to do that while running for our lives. Just nice to know, though.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre — Capturing The Sound Of Horror [BTS]

Early on in the development of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, we realized we needed to faithfully recreate everything about that original saw. This included the distinct sound profile, and no off-the-shelf modern saw would suffice. So the team set out, with the help of SFX Recording Artist Watson Wu, to bring the sound of the saw to life.

Does all of this give you that classic Texas feels out there or will it be missed by so many out there instead of appreciated? Do you truly hear a difference in the chainsaws here or do they all make the same loud noises for you? Was it odd to see that it could take a while to crawl through some spaces in the game or was that something done just for this video to let Leatherface catch up to the victim? Sound off in the comments and then discuss it all as you so wish to do. There is much more for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre to come for us all, so please keep checking back here for all of that and everything else. I am sure we will have some amazing things soon.

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