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The Thaumaturge Is Announced & Brings Us All Some Gameplay Too

The Thaumaturge Is Announced & Brings Us All Some Gameplay Too

The Thaumaturge

A new story-driven RPG, The Thaumaturge, is announced with some gameplay for The Thaumaturge hidden in the mix

If you are looking for a new and dark story-driven RPG, then we can take a look at the recently announced title, The Thaumaturge. This is the next title on the way to our PC from Fool’s Theory and 11 Bit Studios that will take us back in time again to 1905 in the Warsaw area and all of the horrible things going on during that time. All so we can see a different series of events to take place as the titular Thaumaturge heads out with some new combat styles and morale choices to make in the mix. Just as we would all assume to be in these darker settings we have been getting to. I guess it is good that we will have some of that blood magic in our hands as we battle some inner demons and use some of them to battle for us. That is how things feel with the slight announcement we have to look at.

Okay, so the announcement video is a bit of a misnomer here, as we also found some of the hidden gameplay for The Thaumaturge in the mix too. Hidden in the fact that it was supposed to be a bit of a hunt for the gamers of the world to find, but it was quickly spotted out there. It is not much of an in-depth look at the combat and magic systems we will have in the mix of The Thaumaturge, but something more to titillate us all a bit more. All with a few new looks at some of the extra demons here. I will not keep you away from it all, for now, so we can get excited and see just how this new slice of things will function. Now that it is out there, we just have to wait until after GDC when we should be seeing a whole lot more in the mix of it all.

The Thaumaturge — Announcement

After an extended period of time researching all that is mystical and mysterious, the publishing and development teams at 11 Bit Studios and Fool’s Theory are proud to reveal The Thaumaturge. A story-driven RPG with a unique take on combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, touching upon the complex theme of inner demons, The Thaumaturge unfolds in the culturally diverse capital of Warsaw in early 20th-century Poland after it has been annexed by the Russian Empire. Putting players in the position to take on morally ambiguous choices, they step into a spiritual world driven by powers concealed beyond the comprehension of ordinary men.

In 1905, and under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom, Warsaw is a city of conspicuous contrasts. Poverty and hooliganism are as much its shades as high society wealth and political plotting. A place in which the individual interests of groups with diverse beliefs—Jews, Poles, and Russians—are often in conflict, and in which one man’s big chance can mean another man’s untimely demise.

Existing in the supernatural cracks between the real world and the shadows of this story-rich isometric RPG are esoteric beings called Salutors. Wielding immense power, only a Thaumaturge can truly perceive a Salutor and use their unique abilities to their whims. Thaumaturges—able to pry deep into the crevices of the human personality to the very core of one’s psyche—will find a person’s honest intentions and surreptitious desires alongside someone’s shameful secrets, distortions, exaggerations, and imperfections. Faithfully obeying their masters, Salutors allow Thaumaturges to manipulate humans, preying on their secrets and insecurities, bending one’s will to their own needs while changing the world surrounding them. As for turn-based combat, Salutors, with their roots coming from various cultures, serve as a powerful force, highly useful during dangerous encounters in the dark alleys of districts like Praga.

The Thaumaturge — Gameplay

Combining their magical powers earlier this week, 11 Bit Studios and Fool’s Theory announced the mystical RPG, The Thaumaturge, and now they’re ready to reveal the first gameplay footage. Those with powerful skills of deduction may have already seen the signs of what’s to come as a secret link to a mysterious page had been hidden in the game’s first announcement trailer. The time has come to unveil the enigma for all to see.

The Thaumaturge is a full-fledged RPG with character development mechanics that allow you to approach situations in different ways, make your own choices, and deal with their consequences. The gameplay is greatly shaped by the presence of mystical beings – the powerful Salutors. Putting a spin on turn-based combat mechanics, Salutors improve the main character’s fighting skills and enhance their statistics, as well as influence the narrative aspect of the game by allowing the player to manipulate other characters to reach personal goals. Taking place in early 20th-century Warsaw under the authoritarian rule of the Russian Empire, the city is a multicultural metropolis where luxury and wealth meet poverty and crime. In this heavily researched historical setting, players will have an opportunity to meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the game’s story.

What are your initial thoughts on The Thaumaturge based on what we have to look at for now? Do you think it will boil down to us summoning demons to fight for us or will that just be an option as we get into some hand-to-hand combat out there? How close do you think things will be to the real-world side of things or will this be a massive alternate-history thing that we usually get when it comes to all of this? Head into the comment section to talk about all of this and discuss it all. More for The Thaumaturge should be on the way to us all soon. Please keep checking back in for all of that and everything else that we have to offer up to the gaming fans out there.

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