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The Time Is On Its Way For Us All To Enter Into Forspoken

The Time Is On Its Way For Us All To Enter Into Forspoken


The release date for Forspoken is set for us now and we get a better look at more of the antagonists within the world of Forspoken

Even more is out there now for the upcoming title Forspoken and this is one of those updates that will get those looking forward to the title a bit more excited. It is not the true deep dive into the game that we would want Luminous Productions to go into for it all, but a nice new look at it all. The big news for Forspoken, though, is that we have an official release date set for the game. You can now expect to see it hit the PS5 and PC next year on May 24th. Still a bit of a wait, but there is an end in sight beyond the basic Spring of 2022 that we have had to deal with for a while now. It is finally time to rejoice a bit for the game.

As with most release date announcements, we have a bit of new gameplay to take in for Forspoken to get us further amped up for the release. It houses a bunch of new enemy types out there and gives a little more of a hint to what is going on in the story here. One that will also now have Pollyanna McIntosh adding yet another voice into the mix and this one for the maddened evil sorceress, Tanta Prav. While I have no doubt that the voice work will shine in Forspoken, this one looks like it will be more about the gameplay mechanics and the other fundamentals than relying on the hard work of the cast. It is looking like it will all blend well and give us one more solid title to get into just as the school year is wrapping here.

Forspoken — The Game Awards 2021

She Will Rise May 24, 2022

Mysteriously transported from New York City, Frey Holland finds herself trapped in the breathtaking land of Athia.

Frey soon learns this beautiful land once flourished under the reign of benevolent matriarchs, called Tantas, until a devastating blight relentlessly corrupted everything it touched. At the center of their shattered domains, the Tantas now rule as maddened and evil sorceresses.

Unaffected by the Break and desperate for answers, Frey reluctantly agrees to help the last remaining citizens of Athia who see her as their only hope. Frey’s journey through this strange and treacherous land will take her deep into the heart of corruption where she must battle monstrous creatures, confront the powerful Tantas, and uncover secrets that awaken something much more from within.

Are you excited to finally have a release date for Forspoken or would it have been to just surprise you with a stealth launch out there? Do you think it will be delayed at all or was the delay in the release date announcement done to make sure they did not get fan hopes up before it was needed? Do you think that the voice cast will be the bigger sell for this title or will it just be the icing on the cake of a good game? Tell us all of your thoughts on this and more down in the comments. We will keep sharing what we can for Forspoken, so keep checking back for all of that and much, much more on the main site here.

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