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The True Game Can Begin As The Nilfgaard Have Arrived In Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

The True Game Can Begin As The Nilfgaard Have Arrived In Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Our first look at Gwent: The Witcher Card Game’s Nilfgaard is here as the faction has now joined Gwent in an official capacity for those in the beta

The time has come and Gwent: The Witcher Card Game has received its most recent update. An update that not only brings a bunch of fixes and tweaks for the ongoing beta there but also the inclusion of the new faction into the mix. The Nilfgaard have finally made it into the mix and are ready to get played to our hearts content or hatred. That all depends on how you look at the new faction and how it mixes into Gwent both for and against you. Given that CD Projekt RED has taken their time to work on this new faction though, I have a feeling it will quickly become a lot of people’s favorite as well. Time will only tell though as the beta rages on.

With this new update the number of cards available to play here in Gwent has now spiked up to over sixty in total. Also with the new faction comes some extra faction-specific cards for each already in play out there as well as some that have become “neutral” cards. That just means that they can be used by any faction now and are not locked to one or the other like before. Not a horrible addition into the mix if you ask me, but then again I have yet to experience what it will be like to be hammered on by the new faction as well as these cards that I knew I could be safe from before. I’m hoping that they are really just generic enough to not blow minds with every match.

If you are in the beta, go ahead and get that update so you can give the new faction a try and see just how the sneaky new faction works. If you are not in the beta, you can still sign up to gain access or you can just watch the new trailer for Gwent below to get a taste for some of the new cards the faction brings as well as some of the older ones that may or may not be going neutral. Either way there is something to be had and looked at here. Enjoy.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game — Nilfgaard Arrives

The might of Nilfgaard arrives to Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. Will you join the Empire, or stand against it as the proud Skellige, brutal Monsters, cunning Northern Realms or shadowy Scoia’tael?

In Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, gamers clash with their friends in fast-paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. The game is played over a best-of-three series of rounds, as players unleash their hand by slinging spells and diverse units with special abilities and use clever tricks to deceive their opponents.

Do you have any new thoughts on this new faction for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game that has just joined the fight? Do you see them as being your go to in the factions wars here or do you think they will quickly become your most loath to go against? What types of cards do you see as being neutral compared to what may have been shifted over just for this update? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss as you wish. For more on Gwent, be sure to stay locked into the site as we will keep all of the update, big and small, flowing on out to you. Don’t miss out.

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