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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Finally Gets A Release Date For Us

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Finally Gets A Release Date For Us

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

The release date for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier’s first episode has been set and we’ll be diving into The Walking Dead again before Christmas

It seems like we have been waiting forever to get the first episode of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier to hit and now we have the great news as we will be seeing the episode just before Christmas. Telltale Games has just placed the date down for the episode as December 20th for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, iOS, and Android platforms. That was a mouthful but that doesn’t change a thing as we’ll get to see the latest set of survivors for The Walking Dead going about their days and trying to make do with what they have. Also we get to see just how the ending of Season 2 will be handled so we can truly move on and not just ignore all of that.

For those who have been following along here for this third season of The Walking Dead, this does place the game as releasing just about a month after it was originally supposed to but given the success of Batman and the only logical date in November would have run the two against each other, this all makes sense. That and it gave the teams a chance to make sure it will live up to the whole franchise so far as it does have a pretty high bar. Not to mention that The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will presumably be starting up as Batman closes so it will keep us deep in the pockets of Telltale without much of a break. Something I know I’ve been hoping for since day one.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier — Premiere Date

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier — Premiere Date

The first of five episodes in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will premiere digitally worldwide starting Tuesday December 20th on PC from the Telltale Online Store, Steam, and other digital distribution services, on the Xbox Games Store for Xbox One® and Xbox 360®, and on the PlayStation®Network for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. The episode will be available the same day for compatible iOS devices via the App Store, and for compatible Android-based devices via Google Play.

Beginning February 7th, the series will also be available for purchase on a special ‘Season Pass Disc’ for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, which will include the premiere episode for the third season, as well as access to all subsequent episodes in the five episode season for download as they become available.

While all we have for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is the announcement here and a bit of art, we won’t have to wait much longer to see what will be coming. It looks like one of the games to be featured during The Game Awards this year will be this one and we’ve been promised a nice look at the episode and game when that premiers on December 1st. Just over a week away and we’ll get plenty of new footage to gawk at. Or at least enough to hold us over for the following 19 days until the first episode kicks off. We can’t really complain now can we? Don’t answer that as I know you’ll find something…

Are you happy to see that The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will be coming here on December 20th or are you upset that the November timeline was missed? How do you think that Telltale Games will solve the issue of the many branches of the second season? What new features to the gameplay do you think will be added in or will we just get the same old treatment with a great story added on? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and discuss. For more on The Walking Dead in all of its video game forms be sure to stick right here. We’ll have all of the updates handed out up here on the site.

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