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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season Finale Is Taking Us Off To War

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season Finale Is Taking Us Off To War

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

The final trailer for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier’s season finale is here to give us a taste of the latest story in The Walking Dead

I was beginning to think that we wouldn’t be seeing a full trailer for the final episode of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier here, but here we are with it. It is starting to feel like Telltale Games is mixing up all of their usual patterns but in a really good way. None the less though, we have a new trailer for this title in The Walking Dead franchise just days before we can dive right in and wrap up this whole part of the story on May 30th. It’s be one fun ride so far, and it is totally time to bring it all to an end. This one looks to be one of the more explosive ends at that. At least based on the trailer.

Things in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier have built up, subsided, and then gone off the rails as they usually do in this universe of the game. This looks like it will be one of the more completely off the rails stories to come to it all based on the trailer we have here and just how things have been building. At least how things have been building on my story as it seems to be deviating a little more than the norm that we see here in these trailers. Maybe it is just me and my weird sense of what to do in all of these situations. I’d like to think so at least. None the less, it looks like it is all coming down to an explosive end and not just for the story but for some of the characters as well.

Have a look at what we have here for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier‘s season finale and then get ready for a short wait. It does look to have a few spoilers here so if you’ve been trying to stay fresh from it all until you can binge play it, then you may want to skip as it does recap and show a few things you may not want to know beforehand. Or maybe you will to bring the heartbreak down to a minimum here. You can judge for yourself on that though as you are your own person. Have a look at The Walking Dead: A New Frontier‘s last trailer now.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier — Season Finale

“Fight. Fight for our name. For our family.”

The season finale of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is out May 30!

Are you ready for this conclusion for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier to hit us all like a ton of bricks? Have you been holding off so you can play it all in one sitting? Do you think that we will see this version of the franchise carry on into a new season or will Telltale Games craft something completely different to bring us all back in? Maybe an older Clementine story somehow? Let us know your thoughts and feelings on all of this down in the comments and then discuss. Hopefully we will see more for The Walking Dead at some point and when we do, we will have it here. Keep checking in to make sure you see and hear it all.

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