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The Walking Dead: The Final Season Gets Really Dark With A Release Date

The Walking Dead: The Final Season Gets Really Dark With A Release Date

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

The release date for The Walking Dead: The Final Season has been set and we will see how Clementine’s story will wrap in The Walking Dead universe

Get those tears ready as The Walking Dead: The Final Season has a release date set for the first episode now and now we can see how it will all end on August 14th. At least see how Clementine’s story will end in the franchise, so that could mean that Telltale Games could technically keep the IP going but I have a feeling that this will be the end of it all. This, of course, does not sound like things will go to well for the character as this is The Walking Dead and stories almost always come to a close with the character’s horrible death. Now we know when we will see that all kickoff and then start hoping for something different.

To come along with this announcement, we have a new trailer for The Walking Dead: The Final Season and it kind of goes along with thoughts we have here. It is a bit darker than some of the other stories and scenes we have seen in the past as it shows Clementine making sure that AJ knows how to survive. All ending with the time-old question of “What do you do if I get bit?” That could be some foreshadowing as it seems to be the case in all of these things, but it could also point to a solid twist where we are the engine of her destruction or salvation in the game. Especially since it sounds like we are getting some solid changes to The Walking Dead gameplay here in the final season.

The Walking Dead: The Final Season — E3 2018 Teaser

Leading publisher of digital entertainment Telltale Games and Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment today announced that episode one of The Walking Dead: The Final Season will be available for download starting August 14, 2018 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One across all regions. The Final Season will also come to Nintendo Switch later this year.

Starting June 8, players will be able to pre-order the game on PC, PS4, and Xbox One for $19.99. All players who pre-order The Final Season will receive download access to each of the season’s four episodes as they become available. Players who pre-order on PS4 and Xbox One will also receive immediate access to The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series Collection, which gathers all 19 existing episodes of the award-winning series into a single package.

PC players who pre-order on Steam, GOG, GamersGate, MacGameStore, or the Humble Store will receive 10% off the full retail price. Win10 pre-orders through the Microsoft Store will unlock season one of The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. All pre-order offers expire August 14.

Season Description: Clementine, now a fierce and capable survivor, has reached the final chapter in her journey. After years on the road facing threats both living and dead, a secluded school might finally be her chance for a home. But protecting it will mean sacrifice. Clem must build a life and become a leader while still watching over AJ, an orphaned boy and the closest thing to family she has left. In this gripping, emotional final season, you will define your relationships, fight the undead, and determine how Clementine’s story ends.

  • Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Story — See Clementine’s journey through to the end. As she builds a new life, you will have to grapple with new types of choices and live with the consequences as AJ looks on, learning from your every move.
  • More Control, More Tension — A new over-the-shoulder camera system, greater freedom to explore detailed environments, and scenes with unscripted combat capture the fear of living in a world overrun by the undead and create the most engaging The Walking Dead game yet.
  • Striking New Visual Style — The all-new Graphic Black art style rips the ink from the pages of the Eisner Award-winning comic book series and brings the world of The Walking Dead to life like never before. Supports 4K resolution and high dynamic range on compatible devices.

In addition, The Walking Dead: The Final Season will be fully dubbed in French, German, Latin-American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. It will also be subtitled in French, German, Latin-American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Russian, and both traditional and simplified Chinese. Episode one voice packs and translations will be available for download on launch day.

We had a chance to look at some of this new gameplay for The Walking Dead: The Final Season back at PAX. We also had a good look at the school that Clem and AJ are holding up in and the new cast of characters they will be involved with. Things can go any which-way here and as Telltale Games does not have to worry about rioting and much backlash for killing off these characters, they could be taking further risks to keep their formula a winning one and not a stagnant one it has been flowing toward. I know, none of that wording truly should be put together but it is what it is. All I know is that we do not have a long wait until we get to see how this all comes to a close.

How excited are you to see that The Walking Dead: The Final Season officially has a release date now? Do you think that it will be a true end to the franchise or just this part of the tale and it will stay open for other characters and adventures in the world? Will you be overly upset if Clem meets here true end here or do you think that Telltale will make it all on us if she lives or dies? Let us all know what you are thinking and feeling down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on The Walking Dead: The Final Season, just be sure to keep coming back here. We will keep all of the updates coming for you and you will be glad you stuck around.

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