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The War Of The Worlds: Siberia Announces A New Twist On Another Classic

The War Of The Worlds: Siberia Announces A New Twist On Another Classic

The War Of The Worlds: Siberia

The War Of The Worlds is coming back to us with a new take on the events with The War Of The Worlds: Siberia

We do always love a good twist on a fun classic, and now we have The War Of The Worlds: Siberia on the way to the PC to shake things up just a bit more for a wonderful classic bit of media. All in a new title on the way from 1CGS that will give us some action, some adventure, some intrigue, and some science fiction. As the new rather alludes to here, this is a different take on the classic War Of The Worlds worlds story that H.G. Wells offered up. Even if some of the gameplay and setting does make it feel as if it is not. An interesting way to go with this one and now we get to see how well this alternate take on it all will flow out there when the game is fully ready.

From the start, The War Of The Worlds: Siberia looks as if it is another action title set in a dart timeline for 1869 Siberia. Almost as if the humans were the true monsters again and we would need to make it out of the horrible situation that the country is in along with the darkness the Russian Empire was placing on the people. Only to have the rug pulled out a bit as, surprise, the Martians are attacking and adding in a whole different problem in the world out there. Given how The War Of The Worlds has been mostly an American point of view, this is a fun little take to go with. Although, I think they should have left the bigger twist for an in-game reveal. It would have been hell for marketing, but would have broken some minds out there when it happened.

The War Of The Worlds: Siberia — Announcement

The War Of The Worlds: Siberia is an action-adventure game inspired by the classic science fiction novel by Herbert G. Wells.

In an alternate 1896, Earth was the target of a massive Martian invasion. The War Of The Worlds: Siberia follows survivors who attempt to save themselves by fleeing the panic-stricken Petrograd, heading for the eastern end of the Russian Empire. Using combat, puzzle-solving, and stealth, central personnel will evade danger in order to succeed in fulfilling their missions.

Known Intelligence:

  • A thrilling third-person view action-adventure experience.
  • A unique setting of the Russian Empire under the rule of alien invaders.
  • An intricate story with memorable characters, historically inspired by 19th-century Russia.
  • Equipped with dozens of weapons, from cap-lock rifles and black powder pistols to the Maxim machine gun.
  • Stealth elements and spatial puzzles.

Does this new twist on The War Of The Worlds sound intriguing to you or would it have made for a better twist after going through some of the basics from the start? How well do you think the Russians are going to fare in this attack given the time and setting this advanced society is coming down to Earth? How do you think we are going to ultimately defeat the aliens in this one and will it be vastly different than what happened in the original tale? Sneak on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else that is on your mind for the game. There is a lot more to get out there for The War Of The Worlds: Siberia and we are going to do all of that. Please keep on coming back to the site to see and hear all of it as we do.

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