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The Wastelanders Will Be Out & About In The Mix Of Fallout 76

The Wastelanders Will Be Out & About In The Mix Of Fallout 76

Fallout 76

The next update for Fallout 76 is almost here to add a whole lot more to the world of Fallout 76 and expand all of the gameplay

If you are still all in, or even partially in, for Fallout 76 then you will be glad to know that the next big expansion is about to drop on us tomorrow. Tomorrow being April 14th as Bethesda gets ready to give us more to do on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This is nothing new for us to learn here as the schedule was laid out a bit ago for those looking for more Fallout to experience. This is more than just a few new quests and creatures, as we have Human NPCs and main story quests to experience in the mix too. Something many thought was lacking at launch, but here we go with it all to keep us glued to our screens a bit more.

On top of that, we are going to be getting some new optimization options, choices, and reputation to play with in Fallout 76 too. All with the creepiness we have come to expect in this world so far. If we are not looking to become any of the scorched in the middle of it all and not just sick back and build a base for ourselves. Maybe I was looking for something vastly different in Fallout 76 than many others had to experience in the game to date. Nonetheless, have a look at the trailer we have to get us all ready to play more of the end of times.

Fallout 76 — Wastelanders

People have returned to West Virginia in Fallout 76: Wastelanders. Two opposing factions are fighting for the upper hand as the secrets of West Virginia are revealed, and you will be the one to tip the scales. The Settlers have come to find a new home, and the Raiders have come to exploit them. Your choices will have lasting effects on the world and the lives of these newcomers. Embark on a new questline, forge alliances with the competing factions, and uncover the truth of what’s hidden in the mountains.

Play Wastelanders, a free expansion for Fallout 76, when it releases for Steam, Bethesda.net, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on April 14, 2020.

Wastelanders includes:

  • New Main Quest — Uncover the secrets of West Virginia by playing through an all-new main quest, starting from the moment you leave Vault 76.
  • Human NPCs — Befriend or betray new neighbors who have come to rebuild, and experience Appalachia through the eyes of its residents.
  • New Creatures And Gear — Takedown newly mutated creatures finding their way to the region and earn the highest tier of weapons and armor.
  • Choices And Reputation — Alter the fates of those you meet with dialogue trees. Decisions affect your standing with each faction through an all-new reputation system.
  • Game Optimizations — Many optimization and interface improvements, including a new way to track your quests as you explore the wasteland.

Have you been keeping up with Fallout 76 so far or did it all fall to the wayside back months ago? Were you hoping to get something different than we are getting here or is this the addition to the game you have been dying for? Will this make you want to jump into the game again or have you completely given up on it already? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more for Fallout 76, we will add it to the site for you. Be sure to keep checking in here for all of that and much more.

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