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There Are Going To Be Mad Skills For Us In Dying Light 2

There Are Going To Be Mad Skills For Us In Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2

A bit of the skill tree for Dying Light 2 is here to show how we will need to build toward our Dying Light parkour skills

As is to be assumed, Dying Light 2 is bringing us a new set of skills to unlock and keep us running through the world for hours on end. It would be a little weird if this was not the case, but thankfully Techland is ready to show off a few bits of this system we will soon know a whole lot more about. Each day we get a little closer to February 4th and the finer details are getting shown off. Even if some of us would like there to be a lot more surprises in Dying Light 2 when we load it up. I am sure there will be and we are only scratching the surface of what is out there for the game. Given the development cycle, it would be weird if this boiled down to a one-weekend kind of title for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, or PC. Not that should ever be expected out there.

Here we get a small sampling of a few skills on the Combat and Parkour side of things for Dying Light 2. Some of it feels expected, like wall-running, but it feels odd that it looks like it is so far down the list of skills. The same thing with a few on the Combat side of things. Sure, that one does look like it can be unlocked with only a few skill points, but the layout does make it look like it would be a later game skill to unlock. That would be way off-brand for a Dying Light, but the UI makes it feel that way. Then again, the team does need to work with the screen space they have and try to give us all of the skills in one sitting so we can plan how we are going to flow through the game. It just took me a bit to see it and how it is meant to go for this one.

Dying Light 2 — Skill Trees

Wonder what the skill tree in Dying Light 2 looks like? We prepared a little sneak-peek for you. Take a look! And remember, whichever skills you’re gonna pick in the game, Stay Human!

Are you ready for the launch of Dying Light 2 to be here already or do you need more time to get hyped up? Do you agree with how the tree is laid out and it feels like some skills are further along than they truly are? Will there be other branches we do not see here or will we truly be able to power through some of this with a quickness and become the Parkour and Combat masters we want Aiden to be? Let everyone out there know what is on your mind about all of this and then feel free to keep the discussion flowing. There is more planned for Dying Light 2, and we will have it all here for you as soon as it all drops out there. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and more.

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