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Things Are Getting Off The Rails With The Announcement Of Choo-Choo Charles

Things Are Getting Off The Rails With The Announcement Of Choo-Choo Charles

Choo-Choo Charles

A new and stranger horror title, Choo-Choo Charles, is revealed with Choo-Choo Charles steamrolling its way out there with its weirdness

If you want some of the weird and some of the horror out there, then sit back and get ready for Choo-Choo Charles to hit us all like a freight train. That is part of the joke but that does not change what Two Star Games is working on to bring to our PC out there. A new horror title where we are hunted down by a monstrous train with spider legs named Charles. Hence the name Choo-Choo Charles for the game. All of which goes down while we upgrade our own train to head out and save everyone while escaping Charles. It is as crazy as it all sounds and it looks like it could offer up some new nightmare fuel for all of us to have moving forward. You do have to love some of the smaller and independent developers who try to push things to entertain us all and scoff at the traditional.

If it sounds crazy, you can see the announcement trailer for Choo-Choo Charles down below. It does look and feels like some of those mods out there that places Thomas the Train into Resident Evil games but with it being out there on purpose. It weirdly works and looks like it could be terrifying with some of the lighting and other aspects the game offers up for us to interact with the character pop-ups and then advancing our own train to help take down Charles. I will just let you have a look at Choo-Choo Charles just below and see things in full motion for yourself. I have a feeling it could be another one of those tiny hits that the internet helps push even further out there for us. Watch and enjoy it all.

Choo-Choo Charles — Announcement

Choo-Choo Charles is a survival horror, open world, shooter game. Navigate an island in an old train, upgrade it over time, and use it to fight an evil sentient train that terrorizes your home. Charles is hungry; don’t be his next meal.

In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles.” Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobbleheads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.

How are you feeling about Choo-Choo Charles after all of this or does this feel too weird to be longstanding? Do you get the same feeling as the mods we have seen and is that some of the inspiration that brought this to be? Does the lighting and audio make it feel like a true horror game that could lead us to some different kinds of nightmares out there? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will share more for Choo-Choo Charles if we come across it all. Just be sure to keep checking back here for all of that and much more.