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Things Just Might Be Better Together In It Takes Two

Things Just Might Be Better Together In It Takes Two

It Takes Two

New gameplay for It Takes Two offers up a few more gameplay mechanics and story we will experience in It Takes Two soon

There is even more to see out there for It Takes Two now to get us all ready to give the game a go on March 26th. I guess that should have been a little self-explanatory since it is why you even clicked in here, but it needed to be said so we can dive into it all and the new things Hazelight is showing off. In this new footage for It Takes Two we get a bit of the same gameplay we have seen before, sure, but there is a lot more. That and a little more explaining what is going on in the story and how it could all end. Granted, this could all be shifted once we get deeper into the game yet it still could go down with the happier ending at the end.

As we can see in the latest video, it looks like some of the enemies and bosses of It Takes Two will be based on household items that have some kind of attachment or history with the adults. The vacuum that Cody never fixed or the Chess Board that May had no more time for. It is interesting and looks like the message of love is going to be hammered home quite a bit more than thought in It Takes Two. It would be interesting to see if it does all end with the parents realizing that it takes both of them to raise their daughter but they do not need to be together to pull it all off. It is possible given the different styles of love that are out there. I still have a feeling we will see the happy ending for it all, though.

It Takes Two — We’re Better Together

Magically turned into dolls by their daughter Rose, Cody and May are challenged by a cheesy self-help book on love — Dr. Hakim — to fix their broken relationship. Innovative gameplay, emotional storytelling, and laugh-out-loud moments merge in this genre-bending platform adventure made exclusively for co-op.

It Takes Two is released on March 26, 2021 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC (Origin, Steam)

Are you ready to dive into the co-op play of It Takes Two or will you try to play it on your own, if possible? Do you suspect that we could get a different style of a love story or will they be trying to reinforce the two-parent family idea for the world? What other odd objects do you think we will need to face off with in the game and will they still look like they are all from the 50s? Give us all of the feedback and thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for It Takes Two, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep checking back for all of that and much, much more.

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