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This Is How Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture Is A British Apocalypse

This Is How Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture Is A British Apocalypse

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

A new developer diary of sorts for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture has been released and details out how Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture is a very British Apocalypse

Well Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture hits the PS4 in a few weeks on August 11th. We’ve seen some good things for it up until now and it looks like The Chinese Room has created an amazing experience in storytelling with the game. I have yet to play any part of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture but I have seen so many little videos and explanations that I feel that I get what the game is going for and what we all will most likely experience; even if Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture is not an apocalypse story that was designed for someone with my background. That background being not having grown up in a rural town in the British Isles.

In the most recent developer diary of sorts put out by Santa Monica Studios for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture, the development team over there goes into great detail on the true feeling of isolation that could have been created by even minor actions during the mid-1980s. Most of us reading this we most likely never know what it was like to have the experience of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture as we’ve been in large cities or in an area of the world that almost never can go completely “dark” and feel like the end has come. I guess that is a great selling point for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture as it gives all of us that chance to somewhat experience what The Chinese Room is going for. This is one reason I love video games.

I probably didn’t do as much justice to explaining as the dev team behind Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture can so have a look at the video I was talking about and get the real feeling. Then go and pre-order Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture, if it tickles your fancy, and get an amazing looking theme for your PS4. Not to mention that if you do it before August 11th PS Plus members get an additional 20% off. Not too shabby at all for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture.

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture — A British Apocalypse

So what do you think about the tone and setting for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture now? Does it hit home for you or are you like me and never had that sense of isolation in a world that hasn’t ended? Interesting concepts and ideas right? Let us know down in the comments what you think about Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture so we can keep everyone informed the world hasn’t ended just yet. Also keep checking in here as we will have more on Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture as Santa Monica Studios has it to dole out. Only two more weeks until the end so there has to be more right?

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

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