1990 👀

This Week In Video Games 4/3/17 — 4/7/17

This Week In Video Games 4/3/17 — 4/7/17

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here’s a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week

This has sure been some amazing week for video games now hasn’t it? Not only for the industry but also for us over here as it was another heavy review week with things from Horizon Zero Dawn to The Walking Dead and a few others in between. We also had a lot of cool things to see for Injustice 2 again and more for Prey as both of those titles get even closer to releasing next month. More video games to play and not enough time to do it. Not a horrible problem to have unless you have a wallet that cries itself to sleep every night. But let’s focus on the positive here instead of the responsible.

While this week was riddled with many reviews, that was not all of the video games we have out there right now, I know of at least two more we have cooking up for you and you’ll want to see those. I am also certain that we are going to start hearing a whole lot more on Project Scorpio now that the specs have been given out. Factor in all of the huge events coming up soon and we will be insanely crazy busy again. With all those video games and their news it is a good thing that we have some extra staff on board here. Which, if you are interested, send over a message and we’ll see about getting you into our little slice of weird video games over here.

As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you’ll learn something you didn’t know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!

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