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This Week In Video Games 6/8/19 — 6/14/19

This Week In Video Games 6/8/19 — 6/14/19

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week

That was sure one crazy whirlwind of a week in the world of video games. Then again, that is usually how it goes with E3 and the other big events like it. We were lucky to be on the floor for it all and had a chance to check out so many titles like Marvel’s Avengers and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Those being the ones we had a chance to get to during the event, but there was also more for other video games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Bloodlines 2 for us all to get to. All of which will be coming as soon as we take a bit of a break to relax and recoup from it all.

There is almost not much more to say besides that as we had a load of video games to look at and will be getting them all written up for on the site. Some just news updates and others we had actual hands-on with. Traveling and other life essentials do slow down the process a bit more than we like. Maybe we will start to move over to other methods to bring you the updates on all of these video games. That or try to get more help to cover it all along the way. I guess we will all see.

As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming!

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