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Threshold Has Launched Out There To Test How Well We Can Hold Our Breath

Threshold Has Launched Out There To Test How Well We Can Hold Our Breath


The launch of Threshold is here and those looking for an interesting twist to a train-simulation can give Threshold a go

Video games can get weird out there and here we go with another one as Threshold launches out there on the PC. A title that sounds like it is one thing but it certainly another with Critical Reflex feeling like they are leaning into that fun. Especially when you hear that Threshold is a game about keeping a train on schedule and managing your oxygen levels as you do so along the route. Not something I would have expected from the title, but it has caught the eye and then mixing in the dated visuals to give it all a totally different feeling too. The game seems all over the place, but also very defined at the same time. We love that kind of stuff around here.

Now that we have all of that out of the way, we can define what Threshold is a bit more. It is a game where we are a conductor of sorts on a train heading through a high-altitude mountain pass. One of those mountain passes that are so high that oxygen is thin. So thin that we have to share our supply with the train’s whistle to help keep it on track as well as keep ourselves alive. The reward for all of that… a new oxygen canister to do it all again. A rather dark way to go about this for an employer but we do live in some rather dark times. In any instance, we will have to keep things going in this way until we have made it to the end of the story and to see if we can keep ourselves and our coworker alive too. So many things to do that would be easier if the company in charge was not stingy about things.

Threshold — Launch Trailer

Breathe in.

High in the mountains, an endless train thunders through a decaying station. This is the Border Post. Your job is simple: blow a whistle to keep the train on schedule. But the air is thin up here. Complete tasks, ration your oxygen, and enjoy the company of your fellow worker. Be a good worker.

Breathe out.

Key Features:

  • Keep On Schedule: Your job is simple. Blow the whistle, keep the train on time. Just don’t look inside the train.
  • Careful Breaths: Air is thin at the Border Post. Each step, each whistle blow draws the end nearer. Good work is rewarded with air canisters. Be a good worker.
  • Maintain The Post: Deliver the reports, clean the water filter, and collect wood. Keep busy. Ignore the smell.
  • Make Friends: Call for MO, your fellow worker, for assistance and to answer your questions. Except that one – don’t ask him that question.
  • Your Choices Matter: What country are you from? How could it matter? Experience a semi-linear narrative where every moment could be a new branching path. Or not. Such is life.

What do you think about Threshold as it all stands here so far? Does it sound like a fun little story to play right through or will the visuals of the game throw you off too much to be able to enjoy all of it? Why do you think we are given so few air canisters or will it truly just be corporate greed that keeps that going as a gameplay mechanic? Head on down to the comments and let those thoughts flow out there. We know that Threshold is not going to be a game for everyone, but for those who have had their eyes caught, we will share anything else we find for the game out there. All you have to do is keep on swinging by the site to see all of it and everything else that we have to share out there.

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