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It’s Time To Check Out The Future Tech In Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

It’s Time To Check Out The Future Tech In Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

A new ‘dev diary’ has been released for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare showcasing the advanced technology we will get to use

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been making its name recently for all those cool little toys we are going to be able to use while trying to win whatever war we are thrust into via the story. We’ve seen a few in action, with and without explanation, and we’ve been left to ponder other pieces of hardware that we may get to use. We are in luck here today as it looks like some of the people at Sledgehammer are here to give us a quick rundown on some of the cool little toys we will be using to kill all of the people not on our team in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

This new video for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is kind of broken up into two parts of the cool gadgetry as well. The first focuses more on the gadgets like the Threat Detection Grenade, Mobile Barricade, and hover bikes. All of which we have seen in the demos and trailer up until now but there is a bit more with a few other items tossed into the mix. Items like directed energy weapons (aka lasers) are also getting an addition here.

The second half of the video here focuses on the exoskeleton in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare and all of the extras it adds to the game. We all have seen the “super jumps” and the pulling of car doors for shields but they also go into the weird slowing of time mechanic that was glanced over during the E3 demo. From the sounds of it there will be other augmentations like this that will speed up or slow down the user of the exoskeleton to give specific effects. In this case it sped up the user’s reaction time to make everything look like it is flowing at a slower rate.

It does sound like Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is aiming to be extremely different from every other game in the franchise with all of these new additions. I am still not sure if these additions are just going to be little additions or if it really is going to try and “advance” the core mechanics of the game. Sledgehammer says that all of these new additions will be easy to access and use but having too many options lead to things being ignored due to having too many options. If that makes sense. Some things just are not as useful as others.

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is still slated for a November 4th on damned near every platform out there. The jury is still out for me if this will be a revitalization to the overall Call Of Duty franchise or just another iteration with a few new gimmicks. I guess we’ll see here in a few months time.

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