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Time To See How Evolve Has Evolved Into What We Have Now

Time To See How Evolve Has Evolved Into What We Have Now


Just before the big alpha for Evolve on Halloween we have a nice long look at how the game evolved from the minds of Turtle Rock Studios

Only a few more days until we all get to hop into the big Evolve alpha on Halloween. That is of course if you aren’t out scaring humans or helping the little ones hunt down tasty treats. I digress though as this is all news we’ve heard or seen before and what we have here is a good look at how Evolve has evolved into the game we will all be playing on our PS4s, Xbox Ones, and PCs this coming weekend. So let us see how many times we can run that pun into the ground…

Just as he did for The Evil Within it looks like Adam Sessler is giving Evolve the same ‘behind the scenes’ treatment only with many more months to pump out all of the content. I’m not a big fan of going down that path but at least it gives us all a fun look at how Evolve became the game that has dominated show floors for the past year. Even if there really is nothing all too new for us to glean from anything discussed in the following video.

The Evolution of Evolve — Part 1: Asymmetric Multiplayer Design & Big Alpha

Like I said, not much more in the way of new information or gameplay for Evolve here. Although there was a nice long look at that nixed worm-style monster in the background. Maybe that will be the next monster announced for Evolve and he cancelling of it was just a rouse to keep us guessing. Doubtful but I can hope because they have the flying monster and the climbing one but nothing on a burrowing one. Now that would be fun and confusing to add to the mix of Evolve. Just a logistics nightmare to make things balanced.

Hopefully these videos moving forward will announce more monsters of hunters for Evolve because that is where the game’s longevity is going to be. Adding in more options will keep players coming back to Evolve as the developers here are hoping for. Of course that will most likely mean DLC to keep Evolve evolving after it launches on February 10th next year.


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