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Time To See Dying Light: The Following In Action This Weekend

Time To See Dying Light: The Following In Action This Weekend

Dying Light

We won’t have to wait too long to see Dying Light: The Following in action as the developers are hosting a live-stream to show off new gameplay

Who wants to see Dying Light: The Following in action? Give a show of hands. Now slap yourself in the head for raising you hand while staring at your computer screen, cell phone, or tablet. We can’t see you raising your hands. But you can at least see Dying Light: The Following in action right here this Saturday the 22nd at 10 am PDT as Techland will be streaming new gameplay on Twitch. This way you can make the logic based choice to pick up the DLC, if you don’t already have a Season Pass, or skip on to other things you find bigger and better. As if though…as if…

Obviously all of the details for The Following that will be shown are being held off until the live-stream but there are few things we can all look forward to outside of the gameplay. That should be a given. But what we can also look to see is how this will expand the map of Dying Light in general, new weapons that will be available, how those cool dirt buggies will handle, and of course they guys from Techland will be taking questions for all things Dying Light and The Following. At least what Warner Bros. will allow them to let us all know as I am sure it won’t be all of the ins and outs.

You can wait right here to see the Dying Light: The Following live-stream or remember to check back in at 10 am PDT on Saturday, August 22nd of 2015. That should take care of any of you future people who stumbled in here and didn’t know which Saturday we were talking about. Enjoy the stream none the less and hopefully all of your burning questions about Dying Light: The Following will be answered as best as Techland can.

Dying Light: The Following — Live-Stream

What do you think will be shown off for Dying Light: The Following outside of what was mentioned already? Do you think that this Twitch stream is going to go all out or just enough to entice you to drop the $15 USD on the DLC for Dying Light? Do you think the dirt buggies are going to be a great addition to the Parkour based gameplay? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. Also keep the discussions going before, during, and after the live-stream as I am hopeful we will be getting a release date from Warner Bros. out of this and we’ll be updating as we can. These are all reasons to stay right here for all things Dying Light.

Dying Light: The Following

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